is_photo() && $item->mime_type == "image/jpeg") { $data = array(); require_once(MODPATH . "exif/lib/exif.php"); $exif_raw = read_exif_data_raw($item->file_path(), false); if (isset($exif_raw['ValidEXIFData'])) { foreach(self::_keys() as $field => $exifvar) { if (isset($exif_raw[$exifvar[0]][$exifvar[1]])) { $value = $exif_raw[$exifvar[0]][$exifvar[1]]; if (function_exists("mb_detect_encoding") && mb_detect_encoding($value) != "UTF-8") { $value = utf8_encode($value); } $keys[$field] = Input::clean($value); } } } } // If coordinates were extracted, save them to the database. if (isset($keys["Latitude"]) && isset($keys["Longitude"])) { $record = ORM::factory("exif_coordinate"); $record->item_id = $item->id; $record->latitude = str_replace(",", ".", $keys["Latitude"]); $record->longitude = str_replace(",", ".", $keys["Longitude"]); // Represent N/S/E/W as postive and negative numbers if ($keys["Latitude Reference"] == "S") { $record->latitude = "-" . $record->latitude; } if ($keys["Longitude Reference"] == "W") { $record->longitude = "-" . $record->longitude; } $record->save(); } } private static function _keys() { // EXIF fields to extract. if (!isset(self::$exif_keys)) { self::$exif_keys = array( "Latitude Reference" => array("GPS", "Latitude Reference", t("GPS: Latitude Reference"), ), "Longitude Reference" => array("GPS", "Longitude Reference", t("GPS: Longitude Reference"),), "Latitude" => array("GPS", "Latitude", t("GPS: Latitude"), ), "Longitude" => array("GPS", "Longitude", t("GPS: Longitude"), ) ); } return self::$exif_keys; } }