content = new View("admin_developer.html"); $view->content->title = t("Generate module"); if (!is_writable(MODPATH)) { message::warning( t("The module directory is not writable. Please ensure that it is writable by the web server")); } list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_module_form(); $view->content->developer_content = $this->_get_module_create_content($form, $errors); print $view; } public function test_data() { $v = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $v->content = new View("admin_developer.html"); $v->content->title = t("Generate Test Data"); list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_module_form(); $v->content->developer_content = $this->_get_test_data_view($form, $errors); print $v; } public function module_create() { access::verify_csrf(); list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_module_form(); $post = new Validation($_POST); $post->add_rules("name", "required"); $post->add_rules("description", "required"); $post->add_callbacks("name", array($this, "_is_module_defined")); if ($post->validate()) { $task_def = Task_Definition::factory() ->callback("developer_task::create_module") ->description(t("Create a new module")) ->name(t("Create Module")); $task = task::create($task_def, array_merge(array("step" => 0), $post->as_array())); $success_msg = t("Generation of %module completed successfully", array("module" => $post->name)); $error_msg = t("Generation of %module failed.", array("module" => $post->name)); print json_encode(array("result" => "started", "max_iterations" => 15, "success_msg" => $success_msg, "error_msg" => $error_msg, "url" => url::site("admin/developer/run_task/{$task->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token()), "task" => $task->as_array())); } else { $v = $this->_get_module_create_content(arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array()), arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors())); print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $v->__toString())); } } public function session($key) { access::verify_csrf(); Session::instance()->set($key, Input::instance()->get("value")); url::redirect("albums/1"); } public function test_data_create() { access::verify_csrf(); list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_test_data_form(); $post = new Validation($_POST); $post->add_rules("albums", "numeric"); $post->add_rules("photos", "numeric"); $post->add_rules("comments", "numeric"); $post->add_rules("tags", "numeric"); $post->add_callbacks("albums", array($this, "_set_default")); $post->add_callbacks("photos", array($this, "_set_default")); $post->add_callbacks("comments", array($this, "_set_default")); $post->add_callbacks("tags", array($this, "_set_default")); if ($post->validate()) { $task_def = Task_Definition::factory() ->callback("developer_task::create_content") ->description(t("Create test content")) ->name(t("Create Test Data")); $total = $post->albums + $post->photos + $post->comments + $post->tags; $success_msg = t("Successfully generated test data"); $error_msg = t("Problems with test data generation was encountered"); $task = task::create($task_def, array("total" => $total, "batch" => (int)ceil($total / 10), "success_msg" => $success_msg, "current" => 0, "error_msg" => $error_msg, "albums" => $post->albums, "photos" => $post->photos, "comments" => $post->comments, "tags" => $post->tags)); batch::start(); print json_encode(array("result" => "started", "max_iterations" => $total + 5, "url" => url::site("admin/developer/run_task/{$task->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token()), "task" => $task->as_array())); } else { $v = $this->_get_test_data_view(arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array()), arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors())); print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $v->__toString())); } } public function run_task($task_id) { access::verify_csrf(); try { $task = task::run($task_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); $task->done = true; } if ($task->done) { batch::stop(); $context = unserialize($task->context); switch ($task->state) { case "success": message::success($context["success_msg"]); break; case "error": message::success(empty($error_msg) ? $context["error_msg"] : $error_msg); break; } print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "task" => $task->as_array())); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "in_progress", "task" => $task->as_array())); } } function mptt() { $v = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $v->content = new View("mptt_tree.html"); $v->content->tree = $this->_build_tree(); if (exec("which /usr/bin/dot")) { $v->content->url = url::site("admin/developer/mptt_graph"); } else { $v->content->url = null; message::warning(t("The package 'graphviz' is not installed, degrading to text view")); } print $v; } function mptt_graph() { $items = ORM::factory("item")->orderby("id")->find_all(); $data = $this->_build_tree(); $proc = proc_open("/usr/bin/dot -Tsvg", array(array("pipe", "r"), array("pipe", "w")), $pipes, VARPATH . "tmp"); fwrite($pipes[0], $data); fclose($pipes[0]); header("Content-Type: image/svg+xml"); print(stream_get_contents($pipes[1])); fclose($pipes[1]); proc_close($proc); } private function _build_tree() { $items = ORM::factory("item")->orderby("id")->find_all(); $data = "digraph G {\n"; foreach ($items as $item) { $data .= " $item->parent_id -> $item->id\n"; $data .= " $item->id [label=\"$item->id [$item->level] <$item->left, $item->right>\"]\n"; } $data .= "}\n"; return $data; } public function _is_module_defined(Validation $post, $field) { $module_name = strtolower(strtr($post[$field], " ", "_")); if (file_exists(MODPATH . "$module_name/")) { $post->add_error($field, "module_exists"); } } public function _set_default(Validation $post, $field) { if (empty($post->$field)) { $post->$field = 0; } } private function _get_module_form() { $form = array("name" => "", "description" => "", "theme[]" => array(), "menu[]" => array(), "event[]" => array()); $errors = array_fill_keys(array_keys($form), ""); return array($form, $errors); } private function _get_module_create_content($form, $errors) { $config = Kohana::config("developer.methods"); $v = new View("developer_module.html"); $v->action = "admin/developer/module_create"; $v->hidden = array("csrf" => access::csrf_token()); $v->theme = $config["theme"]; $v->event = $config["event"]; $v->menu = $config["menu"]; $v->form = $form; $v->errors = $errors; return $v; } private function _get_test_data_form() { $form = array("albums" => "10", "photos" => "10", "comments" => "10", "tags" => "10", "generate_albums" => ""); $errors = array_fill_keys(array_keys($form), ""); return array($form, $errors); } private function _get_test_data_view($form, $errors) { $v = new View("admin_developer_test_data.html"); $v->action = "admin/developer/test_data_create"; $v->hidden = array("csrf" => access::csrf_token()); $album_count = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "album")->count_all(); $photo_count = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "photo")->count_all(); $v->comment_installed = module::is_installed("comment"); $comment_count = empty($v->comment_installed) ? 0 : ORM::factory("comment")->count_all(); $v->tag_installed = module::is_installed("tag"); $tag_count = empty($v->tag_installed) ? 0 : ORM::factory("tag")->count_all(); $v->album_count = t2("%count album", "%count albums", $album_count); $v->photo_count = t2("%count photo", "%count photos", $photo_count); $v->comment_count = t2("%count comment", "%count comments", $comment_count); $v->tag_count = t2("%count tag", "%count tags", $tag_count); $v->form = $form; $v->errors = $errors; return $v; } }