Grey Dragon Theme Changelog version 1.5.8 - Finally admin module for theme is there. After theme installation, visit Appearance/Theme Options to configure the theme. If you had older version of the theme, initial setup is also required. The following settings are available: - Rows per album page - theme uses 3 columns layout for pictures, therefore default page_size is computed in x3 increments - Thumb size is restricted to 200 and therefore not available for administration - Mark to build resizes/thumbs - allows force rebuilding of images - Show/Hide top/bottom photo navigators - Specify allowed and default sidebar position - Administrator can now specify Copyright message to display in the footer - Site logo is now default to Gallery 3 logo, but admin can provide a path to custom logo. - Sidebar session cookie is set to expire in 365 days version 1.5.7 - Status message has been moved into header as popup to prevent obstruction of the main view. jQuery is used to fade it out in 10 sec. - Improved logic for dialogs on submit - Theme related JS has been moved out of the page.html.php version 1.5.6 - Fixed issue with tollbar buttons not properly aligned/shown when page is resized. - Copyright info moved into DB. To change default settings add [th_greydragon/copyright] into VARS table. version 1.5.5 - CSS fixes. - Theme adjusted to be compatible with latest Git. - Login links are moved into footer. - Pagination module redesigned to support new structure of paging data. version 1.5.4 - CSS fixes. - Added support for Comments block. - Improved support for Modal dialogs. version 1.5.3 - Sync to git. - Exif menu customization is now part of the theme. - Sidebar management button is disabled for current mode. version 1.5.2 - Code, layout, css cleanup. - New thumbs for buttons. - First set of Ajax dialogs is ready and now operational: Login, user info, edit album, exit info. - Fixed some browser related issues.