. * *************************************************************************/ class emboss_Core { static function reconcile() { emboss::copy_new(VARPATH . 'albums', VARPATH . 'originals'); emboss::remove_old(VARPATH . 'albums', VARPATH . 'originals'); } private function error($msg) { log::error('emboss',$msg); message::error($msg); } private function success($msg) { log::success('emboss',$msg); message::success($msg); } private function info($msg) { log::info('emboss',$msg); message::info($msg); } private function copy_new($src,$dst) { if( ! is_dir($src) ) return; if(! file_exists($dst) ) { log::info('emboss',"Creating directory $dst"); if(! @mkdir($dst) ) { emboss::error("Failed to create $dst"); return; } } if(! is_dir($dst) ) { emboss::error("Existing $dst is not a directory"); return; } if( ! ($dh = opendir($src)) ) { emboss::error("Failed to open $src for reading"); return; } while( $file = readdir($dh) ) { if($file=='.'||$file=='..') continue; $srcpath = $src . '/' . $file; $dstpath = $dst . '/' . $file; if( is_dir($srcpath) ) { emboss::copy_new($srcpath, $dstpath); } else { if(! file_exists($dstpath) ) { log::info('emboss',"Copying $file to $dst"); if(! @copy($srcpath,$dstpath) ) { emboss::error("Failed to copy $file to $dst"); } } } } closedir($dh); } private function remove_old($src,$archive) { if( ! is_dir($archive) ) return; if(! (file_exists($src) && is_dir($src)) ) { log::info('emboss',"Removing directory $src"); emboss::rmdir_recursive($archive); return; } if( ! ($dh = opendir($archive)) ) { emboss::error("Failed to open $archive for reading"); return; } while( $file = readdir($dh) ) { if($file=='.' || $file=='..') continue; $srcpath = $src . '/' . $file; $archivepath = $archive . '/' . $file; if( is_dir($archivepath) ) { emboss::remove_old($srcpath,$archivepath); } else { if( ! file_exists($srcpath) ) { log::info('emboss',"Removing $file from $archive"); if(! @unlink($archivepath) ) emboss::error("Failed to remove $file from $archive"); } } } closedir($dh); } private function rmdir_recursive($dir) { if(!$dh = @opendir($dir)) return; while ( $obj = readdir($dh)) { if($obj=='.' || $obj=='..') continue; if (!@unlink($dir.'/'.$obj)) emboss::rmdir_recursive($dir.'/'.$obj); } closedir($dh); @rmdir($dir); } static function mkdir_recursive($dir) { $dirs = explode('/', $dir); $newdir = ''; for($i=1; $iselect('id') ->from('emboss_overlays') ->where('name','=',$name) ->execute() ->count(); if($n>0) { emboss::error(t("Overlay named $name already exists.")); @unlink($tmp); return; } $width = $image_info[0]; $height = $image_info[1]; $where1 = array('width','=',$width); $where2 = array('height','=',$height); $where = array($where1,$where2); $n = db::build() ->select('id') ->from('emboss_overlays') ->where('width','=',$width) ->where('height','=',$height) ->execute() ->count(); if($n>0) { emboss::error(t("Overlay with dimensions $width x $height already exists.")); @unlink($tmp); return; } @rename($tmp, VARPATH . 'modules/emboss/' . $name); $overlay = ORM::factory('emboss_overlay'); $overlay->name = $name; $overlay->width = $width; $overlay->height = $height; $overlay->active = 1; $overlay->save(); emboss::success('Succesfully uploaded overlay ' . $file['name']); emboss::evaluate_overlays(); } static function _delete_overlay($overlay) { $query = db::build() ->select('id') ->from('emboss_overlays') ->where('name','=',$overlay) ->execute(); $n = $query->count(); $qual = '(database table: g3_emboss_overlay)'; if($n<1) { message::error("Internal error... $overlay missing $qual"); return; } if($n>1) { message::error("Internal error... $overlay has multiple entries $qual"); return; } $overlay_id = $query[0]->id; $q = db::build() ->from('emboss_overlays') ->where('id','=',$overlay_id) ->delete() ->execute(); @unlink(VARPATH . 'modules/emboss/' . $overlay); $query = db::build() ->update('emboss_mappings') ->where('cur_overlay_id','=',$overlay_id) ->set('cur_overlay_id',-1) ->execute(); $query = db::build() ->update('emboss_mappings') ->where('best_overlay_id','=',$overlay_id) ->set('best_overlay_id',-1) ->execute(); emboss::success("Succesfully deleted $overlay"); emboss::evaluate_overlays(); } public function usage_count($overlay_id) { $n = db::build() ->select() ->from('emboss_mappings') ->where('best_overlay_id','=',$overlay_id) ->execute() ->count(); return ($n>0 ? $n : ''); } static function update_overlay_options($post) { $options = array('method','size','gravity','transparency'); foreach ($options as $option) { module::set_var('emboss',$option,$post["$option"]); } db::build()->update('emboss_overlays')->set('active',0)->execute(); $activeOverlays = $post['active_overlays']; if(is_array($activeOverlays)) { foreach ($activeOverlays as $overlay) { $q = ORM::factory('emboss_overlay')->where('name','=',$overlay)->find(); $q->active=1; $q->save(); } } } static function evaluate_overlays() { $overlays = ORM::factory('emboss_overlay')->where('active','=',1)->find_all(); $images = ORM::factory('item')->where('type','=','photo')->find_all(); $n_new = 0; $n_update = 0; $n_none = 0; $has_changes=0; foreach ($images as $image) { $overlay_id = emboss::determine_best_overlay($image->width,$image->height,$overlays); if($overlay_id < 0) { $n_none++; } $q = ORM::factory('emboss_mapping')->where('image_id','=',$image->id)->find(); if( ! $q->loaded() ) { if($overlay_id>0) { $n_new++; } $q->image_id = $image->id; $q->best_overlay_id = $overlay_id; $q->cur_overlay_id = -1; $q->cur_gravity = 'unset'; $q->cur_transparency = -1; $q->save(); } else if($q->best_overlay_id != $overlay_id) { if($overlay_id>0) { $n_update++; } $q->best_overlay_id = $overlay_id; $q->save(); } } if($n_none) { emboss::info('Cannot find an overlay for '.$n_none . t2(' image',' images')); } if($n_new) { emboss::info($n_new . t2(' image needs',' images need',$n_new) . ' now have an overlay available'); } if($n_update) { emboss::info(t2('This changes the overlay for 1 image', "This changes the overlay for $n_update images", $n_update)); } if($n_none || $n_new || $n_update) { } else{ message::info('All photos are being embossed with the correct overlay'); } } static function determine_best_overlay($W,$H,$overlays=NULL) { if(!$overlays) { $overlays = ORM::factory('emboss_overlay')->where('active','=',1)->find_all(); } $method = module::get_var('emboss','method'); $size = 0.01 * module::get_var('emboss','size'); $W *= $size; $H *= $size; $bestID = -1; $bestScore=0; foreach ($overlays as $overlay) { $score = $overlay->score($W,$H,$method); if ( $score>0 && $score>$bestScore ) { $bestScore = $score; $bestID = $overlay->id; } } return $bestID; } static function check_for_dirty() { $q = emboss::find_dirty(); $n = $q->count(); if($n>0) { $url = url::site('admin/maintenance/start/emboss_task::update_overlays?csrf=__CSRF__'); site_status::warning( t2("One of your photos needs to be (re)embossed. Click here to fix it", "%count of your photos need to be (re)embossed. Click here to fix them", $n, array('attrs' => html::mark_clean(sprintf('href="%s" class="g-dialog-link"',$url)))), 'emboss_dirty'); } else { site_status::clear('emboss_dirty'); } } public function find_dirty() { $gravity = module::get_var('emboss','gravity'); $transparency = module::get_var('emboss','transparency'); $q = db::build() ->select() ->from('emboss_mappings') ->or_where('cur_overlay_id','!=',db::expr('best_overlay_id')) ->or_where('cur_gravity','!=',$gravity) ->or_where('cur_transparency','!=',$transparency) ->execute(); return $q; } public function uninstall() { $items = ORM::factory('item')->find_all(); foreach($items as $item) { $path = $item->file_path() . $name; $orig = str_replace(VARPATH.'albums/',VARPATH.'originals/',$path); if(file_exists($orig)) { @unlink($path); @rename($orig,$path); } } graphics::mark_dirty(1,1); Database::instance()->query('DROP TABLE {emboss_overlays}'); Database::instance()->query('DROP TABLE {emboss_mappings}'); Database::instancs()->query("delete from {modules} where name='emboss'"); log::info('emboss','module uninstalled (database dropped/overlays removed)'); } public function copy_orig_to_album($item,$delta) { $itempath = $item->file_path(); $origpath = str_replace(VARPATH.'albums/',VARPATH.'originals/',$itempath); $q = db::build() ->select('cur_rotation') ->from('emboss_mappings') ->where('image_id','=',$item->id) ->execute(); $old_rot = $q[0]->cur_rotation; $new_rot = ($old_rot + $delta + 360)%360; db::build() ->update('emboss_mappings') ->where('image_id','=',$item->id) ->set('cur_rotation',$new_rot) ->execute(); @unlink($itempath); @copy($origpath,$itempath); Image::factory($itempath) ->quality(module::get_var('gallery', 'image_quality')) ->rotate($old_rot) ->save($itempath); } public function reemboss_rotation($item) { // no, the following isn't backwards // After rotation, width and height are swapped // The $item object is from before rotation $new_overlay = emboss::determine_best_overlay($item->height,$item->width); db::build() ->update('emboss_mappings') ->where('image_id','=',$item->id) ->set('best_overlay_id',$new_overlay) ->execute(); db::build() ->update('emboss_mappings') ->where('image_id','=',$item->id) ->set('cur_overlay_id',-1) ->execute(); emboss::check_for_dirty(); } }