/*jslint browser: true, regexp: true, sub: false, vars: false, white: false, nomen: false, sloppy: true, undef: false, plusplus: true */ /*global jQuery, $, Event, refresh, escape, unescape, slideshowImages, ImageFlow */ var viewMode = ""; var skimimg = 0; var bgcolor = "black"; var detailViewMode = false; var savedHeight = 0; var savedWidth = 0; var iRatio = 0, iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0; var currentImg = 0; var mosaicView = false; var slideShowMode = false; var slideShow = null; var slideShowId; var pearCarousel; var hideHoverV = null; var hovering = false; var maxSize; function thumbPadding() { var size, width, margin; /* Padding on thumbs to make them flow nicer */ size = Math.ceil((mosaicView) ? $('#imgSlider').slider('value') / 2 : $('#imgSlider').slider('value')) + 10; width = $('#mosaicGridContainer').innerWidth() - 15; margin = width / Math.floor(width / size) - size; // console.log(size, width, margin, "px"); $('.gallery-thumb').css({'margin-left': Math.ceil(margin / 2) + 'px', 'margin-right': Math.floor(margin / 2) + 'px'}); } function setCookie(c_name, value, expiredays) { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + expiredays); document.cookie = c_name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expiredays === null) ? "" : ";expires=" + exdate.toGMTString()); } function getCookie(c_name) { if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var c_start, c_end; c_start = document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "="); if (c_start !== -1) { c_start = c_start + c_name.length + 1; c_end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", c_start); if (c_end === -1) { c_end = document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start, c_end)); } } return ""; } function mosaicResize() { if ($('#mosaicGridContainer').length === 0) { return; //no element found } var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; if (typeof (window.innerWidth) === 'number') { //Non-IE myWidth = window.innerWidth; myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) { //IE 4 compatible myWidth = document.body.clientWidth; myHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } if ($('#imageflow').length !== 0) { $('#imageflow').css({'height': (myHeight - 53) + 'px', 'width': (((myWidth * 0.5) < (myHeight - 53)) ? myWidth : ((myHeight - 65) * 2)) + 'px'}); } $('#detailImageView').css({'height': myHeight - 165 + "px"}); if (iRatio > (myWidth / (myHeight - 165))) { $('#img_detail').css({'height': myWidth / iRatio + "px", 'width': myWidth + "px"}); } else { $('#img_detail').css({'height': myHeight - 165 + "px", 'width': (myHeight - 165) * iRatio + "px"}); } if (iHeight < (myHeight - 165) && iWidth < myWidth) { $('#img_detail').css({'height': iHeight + "px", 'width': iWidth + "px"}); } myWidth = myWidth - 7; myHeight = myHeight - $('#g-site-status').outerHeight(true) - $('#paginator').outerHeight(true); $('#pearFlowPadd').css({'height': myHeight - 90 - (Math.round(myWidth / 2.4)) + 'px'}); myHeight -= 138; $('#g-header').css('top', $('#gsNavBar').outerHeight(true) + $('#g-site-status').outerHeight(true) - 4); if ($('#g-movie').length) { myHeight += 18; } if (!mosaicView) { $('#mosaicGridContainer').css({'height': (myHeight + 33) + "px", 'width': myWidth + "px"}); } else { $('#mosaicDetail').css('width', Math.floor(myWidth * 0.65) + "px"); $('#mosaicGridContainer').css({'height': (myHeight + 33) + "px", 'width': Math.floor(myWidth * 0.35) + "px"}); //Resize the image.. myWidth = myWidth * 0.65; if (iRatio > (myWidth / myHeight)) { $('#mosaicImg').attr({height: myWidth / iRatio, width: myWidth}); } else { $('#mosaicImg').attr({height: myHeight, width: myHeight * iRatio}); } if (iHeight < myHeight && iWidth < myWidth) { $('#mosaicImg').attr({height: iHeight, width: iWidth}); } } thumbPadding(); if ($('#conf_imageflow').length) { refresh(); } } $(window).resize(function () { if (window.innerHeight === savedHeight && window.innerWidth === savedWidth) { return; } savedHeight = window.innerHeight; savedWidth = window.innerWidth; mosaicResize(); }); function getViewMode() { var vm = detailViewMode ? "detail" : viewMode; if (vm !== '') { vm = "&viewMode=" + vm; } return vm; } function updateHash() { var hash, img = "", val, i; if (currentImg !== 0) { img = "img=" + currentImg; } hash = "#" + img + getViewMode() + "&bgcolor=" + bgcolor; if($('#paginator')) { $('#paginator a').each(function () { val = $(this).attr("href"); i = val.indexOf("#"); if (i !== -1) { val = val.substr(0, i); } $(this).attr("href", val + hash); }); } window.location.hash = hash; } function swatchSkin(intSkin) { setCookie('swatchSkin', intSkin, 1); $('#black').removeClass().addClass("swatch"); $('#dkgrey').removeClass().addClass("swatch"); $('#ltgrey').removeClass().addClass("swatch"); $('#white').removeClass().addClass("swatch"); switch (intSkin) { // dkgrey case 'dkgrey': case 1: $('div.gallery-thumb-round').css('backgroundPosition', "-200px 0px"); $('#mosaicTable,.pear').css('backgroundColor', "#262626"); $('p.giTitle').css("color", "#a9a9a9"); $("#dkgrey").addClass("dkgrey sel dkgrey-with-sel-with-swatch"); bgcolor = "dkgrey"; break; // ltgrey case 'ltgrey': case 2: $('div.gallery-thumb-round').css('backgroundPosition', "-400px 0px"); $('#mosaicTable,.pear').css('backgroundColor', "#d9d9d9"); $('p.giTitle').css("color", "#333333"); $("#ltgrey").addClass("ltgrey sel ltgrey-with-sel-with-swatch"); bgcolor = "ltgrey"; break; // white case 'white': case 3: $('div.gallery-thumb-round').css('backgroundPosition', "-600px 0px"); $('#mosaicTable,.pear').css('backgroundColor', "#ffffff"); $('p.giTitle').css("color", "#444444"); $("#white").addClass("white sel white-with-sel-with-swatch"); bgcolor = "white"; break; // Black is default default: $('div.gallery-thumb-round').css('backgroundPosition', "0px 0px"); $('#mosaicTable,.pear').css('backgroundColor', "#000"); $('p.giTitle').css("color", "#a3a3a3"); $("#black").addClass("black sel black-with-sel-with-swatch"); bgcolor = "black"; break; } updateHash(); } //Set a updating timer so users can't update before the image has appeard.. function swatchImg(imageId) { if (imageId < 0 || imageId >= slideshowImages.length) { return; } currentImg = imageId; iWidth = parseFloat(slideshowImages[imageId][2].replace(/,/gi, ".")); iHeight = parseFloat(slideshowImages[imageId][3].replace(/,/gi, ".")); iRatio = iWidth / iHeight; if (isNaN(iRatio)) { iRatio = 1.3333; } if (mosaicView) { $('#mosaicDetail').hide(); $('#imageTitle').html("

" + slideshowImages[imageId][4] + "

"); $('#mosaicImg').attr('src', slideshowImages[imageId][0]); $('#mosaicImg').css('cursor', "pointer"); $('#mosaicDetail').show("slow"); } mosaicResize(); /* Set controls for hover view. */ if (currentImg === 0) { $('#prev_detail').addClass('prev_detail_disabled'); $('#prev_detail').removeClass('prev_detail'); } else { $('#prev_detail').removeClass('prev_detail_disabled'); $('#prev_detail').addClass('prev_detail'); } if (currentImg === slideshowImages.length - 1) { $('#next_detail').addClass('next_detail_disabled'); $('#next_detail').removeClass('next_detail'); } else { $('#next_detail').removeClass('next_detail_disabled'); $('#next_detail').addClass('next_detail'); } /* Update image and title in focus view */ $('#img_detail').attr('src', slideshowImages[currentImg][0]); $('#imageTitleLabel').html("

" + slideshowImages[imageId][4] + "

"); if (detailViewMode) { //Image count. $.get(slideshowImages[currentImg][6]); } updateHash(); $('#info_detail').attr('href', slideshowImages[currentImg][1]); } function hideHoverView() { if (!hovering) { $('#hoverView').fadeOut(); } hideHoverV = null; } function showHoverView() { if (hideHoverV !== null) { clearTimeout(hideHoverV); } $('#hoverView').show(); hideHoverV = setTimeout("hideHoverView()", 3000); } function focusImage(id, redirected) { currentImg = id; $('#imageTitleLabel').html("

" + slideshowImages[id][4] + "

"); $('#play_detail').hide(); $('#pause_detail').hide(); swatchImg(id); $('#detailView').fadeIn('slow'); hideHoverV = setTimeout("hideHoverView()", 3000); detailViewMode = true; updateHash(); //Image count. if (!redirected) { $.get(slideshowImages[currentImg][6]); } $('#info_detail').attr('href', slideshowImages[currentImg][1]); } function toggleReflex(hide) { if (hide) { // $$('.Fer').each(function(s) { cvi_reflex.remove(s); }); $('mosaicGridContainer').select('img[class="Fer"]').each(function (s, index) { Event.observe(s, 'click', function () { if (mosaicView) { swatchImg(index); } else { focusImage(index); } }); }); } else { // $$('.Fer').each(function(s) { cvi_reflex.add(s, {height: 20, distance: 0 }); }); $('mosaicGridContainer').select('canvas[class="Fer"]').each(function (s, index) { Event.observe(s, 'click', function () { if (mosaicView) { swatchImg(index); } else { focusImage(index); } }); }); } } function scaleIt(v, sliding) { //if(maxSize<100)maxSize=150; // Remap the 0-1 scale to fit the desired range //v=.26+(v*(1.0-.26)); var size = (mosaicView) ? v / 2 : v; toggleReflex(true); $(".p-photo").each(function (i) { $(this).attr({height: size + 'px', width: size + 'px'}); $(this).css({height: size + 'px', width: size + 'px'}); }); $(".g-photo").css({width: size + 'px'}); if (!mosaicView && !sliding) { toggleReflex(false); } thumbPadding(); } function checkCookie() { var co = getCookie('slider'); if (co !== null && co !== "") { $('#imgSlider').slider("value", co); } co = getCookie('swatchSkin'); if (co !== null && co !== "") { swatchSkin(co); } else { swatchSkin('black'); } } function getAlbumHash(img) { return "#img=" + img + getViewMode() + "&bgcolor=" + bgcolor; } function togglePlayPause() { //We are paused if (slideShow === null) { $('#play_detail').hide(); $('#pause_detail').show(); slideShow = setTimeout("slideShowUpdate(" + (slideShowId + 1) + ")", 1000); } else { //We are playing $('#pause_detail').hide(); $('#play_detail').show(); clearTimeout(slideShow); slideShow = null; } } function startSlideshow() { slideShowMode = true; $('#play_detail').hide(); $('#pause_detail').show(); $('#detailView').fadeIn('slow'); hideHoverV = setTimeout("hideHoverView()", 3000); slideShowId = currentImg; slideShowId = 0; togglePlayPause(); } function slideShowUpdate(id) { if (id > slideshowImages.length) { id = 0; } swatchImg(id); slideShow = setTimeout("slideShowUpdate(" + id + 1 + ")", 5000); } function switchMode(mode) { $('#mosaic,#grid,#carousel').removeClass("sel sel-with-viewSwitcher"); $('#' + mode).addClass("sel sel-with-viewSwitcher"); updateHash(); } function switchToGrid(userSet) { if (userSet === true) { viewMode = "grid"; } toggleReflex(true); $('#pearImageFlow,#pearFlowPadd').hide(); $('#mosaicTable').show(); if (!$('#mosaicGridContainer').length) { return; } mosaicView = false; maxSize = 225; checkCookie(); $('#mosaicDetail').hide(); $('#mosaicGridContainer').show(); $('p.giTitle,div.giInfo').each(function (s) { $(this).show(); }); switchMode('grid'); mosaicResize(); } function switchToMosaic(userSet) { if (userSet === true) { viewMode = "mosaic"; } toggleReflex(false); $('#pearImageFlow,#pearFlowPadd').hide(); $('#mosaicTable').show(); if (!$('#mosaicGridContainer').length) { return; } mosaicView = true; maxSize = 125; checkCookie(); $('#mosaicDetail').show(); $('#mosaicGridContainer').show(); $('p.giTitle,div.giInfo').each(function (s) { $(this).hide(); }); switchMode('mosaic'); swatchImg(currentImg); mosaicResize(); } function startImageFlow(userSet) { var i, img; if (userSet === true) { viewMode = "carousel"; } $('#mosaicTable').hide(); $('#pearImageFlow,#pearFlowPadd').show(); toggleReflex(true); if (!pearCarousel) { for (i = 0; i < slideshowImages.length; i++) { //var img = '
' + $('#mosaicGridContainer img').eq(i).attr('alt') + '"
'; img = '' + slideshowImages[i][4] + ''; // console.log(img); $('#pearImageFlow').append(img); } pearCarousel = new ImageFlow(); pearCarousel.init({ImageFlowID: 'pearImageFlow', aspectRatio: 2.4, imagesHeight: 0.6, opacity: true, reflections: false, startID: currentImg + 1, onClick: function () { focusImage($(this).attr('longdesc')); }, startAnimation: true, xStep: 200, imageFocusM: 1.7, imageFocusMax: 4, opacityArray: [10, 9, 6, 2], percentOther: 130, captions: false, slider: false}); } switchMode('carousel'); mosaicResize(); } function setKeys() { /* Fixes the back button issue */ /* window.onunload = function() { document = null; } */ $(document).keydown(function (e) { var charCode = e.keyCode || e.which; switch (charCode) { case 32: /* Space */ if (slideShowMode) { togglePlayPause(); } break; case 39: /* Right arrow key */ case 78: /* N */ swatchImg(currentImg + 1); // if($('imageflow')) handle(-1); break; case 80: /* P */ case 37: /* Left arrow key */ swatchImg(currentImg - 1); // if($('imageflow')) handle(1); break; case 27: /* Esc-key */ hideDetailView(); break; } }); } function bodyLoad(vm, bgcolor) { var h, co; /* Parse hash */ h = $.parseQuery(window.location.hash.substring(1)); if (h.img !== undefined) { currentImg = parseInt(h.img, 10); } if (h.bgcolor !== undefined) { swatchSkin(h.bgcolor); } if (h.viewMode !== undefined) { viewMode = vm = h.viewMode; } /* end parse hash */ if (navigator.appVersion.search(/MSIE [0-7]/i) !== -1) { $('.track').each(function (s) {$(this).css('top', '-16px'); }); //Fix for IE's poor page rendering. } /* 58.5 225 32.5 125 */ $('#imgSlider').slider({ min: 75, max: 250, step: 2, value: 125, slide: function (event, ui) { scaleIt(ui.value); }, change: function (event, ui) { scaleIt(ui.value); setCookie('slider', ui.value, '1'); } }); if (!$('#mosaicGridContainer').length) { $('#loading').hide(); maxSize = 0; return; } //Set event for Thumb Click. $('.p-photo').each(function (index) { $(this).click(function () { if (mosaicView) { swatchImg(index); } else {focusImage(index); } }); }); $('#mosaicDetail').click(function () { focusImage(currentImg); }); $('#prev_detail').click(function () { swatchImg(currentImg - 1); }); $('#next_detail').click(function () { swatchImg(currentImg + 1); }); co = getCookie('swatchSkin'); if (co === null || co === "") { swatchSkin(bgcolor); } if (typeof slideshowImages !== 'undefined' && !slideshowImages.length) { vm = 'grid'; } switch (vm) { case 'carousel': startImageFlow(false); break; case 'grid': switchToGrid(false); break; case 'mosaic': switchToMosaic(false); break; case 'detail': focusImage(currentImg, h.redirected); break; default: mosaicResize(); checkCookie(); } $('#loading').hide(); window.setTimeout("preFetch()", 500); setKeys(); // Initialize thumbnail hover effect $(".g-item").hover( function() { if(mosaicView) { return; } // Insert a placeholder to hold the item's position in the grid var placeHolder = $(this).clone().attr("id", "g-place-holder"); $(this).after($(placeHolder)); // Style and position the hover item var position = $(this).position(); $(this).css("top", position.top).css("left", position.left); $(this).addClass("g-hover-item"); // Initialize the contextual menu $(this).gallery_context_menu(); // Set the hover item's height $(this).height("auto"); var context_menu = $(this).find(".g-context-menu"); var adj_height = $(this).height() + context_menu.height(); if ($(this).next().height() > $(this).height()) { $(this).height($(this).next().height()); } else if ($(this).prev().height() > $(this).height()) { $(this).height($(this).prev().height()); } else { $(this).height(adj_height); } }, function() { var sib_height; if (mosaicView) { return; } // Reset item height and position if ($(this).next().height()) { sib_height = $(this).next().height(); } else { sib_height = $(this).prev().height(); } if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version >= 8) { sib_height = sib_height + 1; } $(this).css({"height": "", "position": "", "top": "", "left": ""}); // Remove the placeholder and hover class from the item $(this).removeClass("g-hover-item"); $("#g-place-holder").remove(); } ); if (slideshowImages.length !== 0) { $(".viewSwitcher").hover( function() { $(this).addClass("hover-with-viewSwitcher"); }, function() { $(this).removeClass("hover-with-viewSwitcher"); }); $("#grid").click(function () { switchToGrid(true); }); $("#mosaic").click(function () { switchToMosaic(true); }); $("#carousel").click(function () { startImageFlow(true); }); $('#slideshow').click(function () { startSlideshow(); }); } else { $("#grid, #mosaic, #carousel, #slideshow").addClass("disabled"); } } function preFetch() { /* for (var i = 0; i < slideshowImages.length; i++) { var tempImage = new Element('img', {'src': slideshowImages[i][0]}); }*/ } function hideDetailView() { $('#detailView').hide(); slideShowMode = detailViewMode = false; if (slideShow !== null) { clearTimeout(slideShow); } slideShow = null; updateHash(); }