tag()) { // If the current page belongs to a tag, look up // the information for that tag. $tagsItem = ORM::factory("tag") ->where("id", $theme->tag()) ->find_all(); }elseif ($theme->item()) { // If the current page belongs to an item (album, photo, etc.), // look up any tags that have been applied to that item. $tagsItem = ORM::factory("tag") ->join("items_tags", "tags.id", "items_tags.tag_id") ->where("items_tags.item_id", $theme->item->id) ->find_all(); } else { // If the current page is neighter an item nor tag, do nothing. return; } // Load the meta tags into the top of the page. $metaView = new View("metadescription_block.html"); $metaView->tags = $tagsItem; return $metaView; } }