# # Author: Jay Deiman # Email: admin@splitstreams.com # # This file is part of pylibgal3. # # pylibgal3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # pylibgal3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with pylibgal3. If not, see . # __all__ = ['Album' , 'Image' , 'LocalImage' , 'RemoteImage' , 'LocalMovie' , 'RemoteMovie' , 'getItemFromResp' , 'getItemsFromResp'] from datetime import datetime import json , weakref , types , os , mimetypes , re class BaseRemote(object): def __init__(self , respObj , weakGalObj , weakParent=None): self._setAttrItems(respObj.items()) if 'entity' in respObj: self._setAttrItems(respObj['entity'].items()) self._weakParent = None if weakParent is not None: self._weakParent = weakParent self._weakGal = weakGalObj self.fh = None self._postInit() def __getattr__(self , name): """ A bit of magic to make the retrieval of member objects lazy """ # Process the specials if name == 'members': self.members = self._getMemberObjects() return self.members if name == 'tags': self.tags = self._getTags() return self.tags if name == 'comments': self.comments = self._getComments() return self.comments # Process the weak reference calls if name == '_gal': return self._weakGal() if name == 'parent' and self._weakParent is not None: return self._weakParent() # Process the generic items urlAttr = '_%s' % name # Call __getattribute__ to prevent loops attr = object.__getattribute__(self , urlAttr) if attr is not None and attr.startswith('http'): obj = self._getUrlObject(attr) setattr(self , name , obj) return obj raise AttributeError(name) def _postInit(self): """ This can be overridden in subclasses to do any special initialization at the end of the __init__ call """ pass def _setAttrItems(self , d): for k , v in d: if k == 'entity': # Skip it continue if (type(v) in types.StringTypes and v.startswith('http') and 'url' not in k) or k == 'members': setattr(self , '_%s' % k , v) else: setattr(self , k , v) def _getMemberObjects(self): """ This returns the appropriate objects for each child of this object. The default "members" attribute only contains the URLs for the children of this object. This returns a list of the actual objects. """ memObjs = self._gal.getItemsForUrls(self._members , self) return memObjs def _getTags(self): """ Returns the list of tag objects returns(list[Tag]) """ # First, I want just the actual tag itself, not the RESTy "tag_item", # so I'm going to modify the urls to save a step ret = [] urls = [] for url in self.relationships['tags']['members']: m = re.match('^(.*?/tag)_item(/\d+),\d+$' , url) urls.append('%s%s' % tuple(m.groups())) if urls: for url in urls: resp = self._gal.getRespFromUrl(url) ret.append(getItemFromResp(resp , self._gal , self)) return ret def _getComments(self): """ Returns a list of the Comment items for this item returns(list[Comment]) : Returns a list of Comment objects """ ret = [] # I can't use the shortcut I did for tags so I need to get the list # of comments in the first call and then create the objects with # the calls thereafter commListUrl = self.relationships['comments']['url'] resp = self._gal.getRespFromUrl(commListUrl) tmpObj = json.loads(resp.read()) for url in tmpObj['members']: resp = self._gal.getRespFromUrl(url) ret.append(getItemFromResp(resp , self._gal , self)) return ret def _getUrlObject(self , url): """ This returns the album cover image """ resp = self._gal.getRespFromUrl(url) return getItemFromResp(resp , self._gal , self) def getCrDT(self): """ Returns a datetime object for the time this item was created """ if hasattr(self , 'created'): return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self.created)) return None def getUpdDT(self): """ Returns a datetime object for the time this item was last updated """ if hasattr(self , 'updated'): return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self.updated)) return None def delete(self): """ Deletes this returns(tuple(status , msg)) : Returns a tuple of a boolean status and a message if there is an error """ return self._gal.deleteItem(self) def update(self , title=None , description=None): """ Update either the title, the description or both title(str) : The new item title description(str) : The new item description returns(tuple(status , msg)) : Returns a tuple of a boolean status and a message if there is an error """ if title is not None: self.title = title if description is not None: self.description = description return self._gal.updateItem(self) def tag(self , tagName): """ Tag this item with the string "tagName" tagName(str) : The actual tag name returns(Tag) : The tag that was created """ return self._gal.tagItem(self , tagName) class Album(BaseRemote): def addImage(self , image , title='' , description='' , name=''): """ Add a LocalImage object to the album image(LocalImage) : The image to upload returns(RemoteImage) : The RemoteImage object that was created """ if not isinstance(image , LocalImage): raise TypeError('%r is not of type LocalImage' % image) return self._gal.addImage(self , image , title , description , name) def addMovie(self , movie , name='' , title='' , description=''): """ Adds a LocalMovie object to the album movie(LocalMovie) : The movie to upload returns(RemoteMovie) : The RemoteMovie object that was created """ return self._gal.addMovie(self , movie , title , description , name) def addAlbum(self , albumName , title , description=''): """ Add a subalbum to this album albumName(str) : The name of the new album title(str) : The album title description(str): The album description returns(Album) : The Album object that was created """ return self._gal.addAlbum(self , albumName , title , description) def setCover(self , image): """ Sets the album cover to the RemoteImage image(RemoteImage) : The image to set as the album cover returns(tuple(status , msg)) : Returns a tuple of a boolean status and a message if there is an error """ return self._gal.setAlbumCover(self , image) def getAlbums(self): """ Return a list of the sub-albums in this album returns(list[Album]) : A list of Album objects """ return self._getByType('album') Albums = property(getAlbums) def getImages(self): """ Return a list of the images in this album returns(list[RemoteImage]) : A list of RemoteImages """ return self._getByType('photo') Images = property(getImages) def getMovies(self): """ Return a list of the movies in this album returns(list[RemoteMovie]) : A list of RemoteMovie objects """ return self._getByType('movie') Movies = property(getMovies) def getRandomImage(self , direct=True): """ Returns a random RemoteImage object for the album. If "direct" is False, a random image can be pulled from nested albums. direct(bool) : If set to False, the image may be pulled from a sub-album returns(RemoteImage) : Returns a RemoteImage instance """ return self._gal.getRandomImage(self , direct) def _getByType(self , t): ret = [] for m in self.members: if m.type == t: ret.append(m) return ret class Image(object): contentType = '' class LocalImage(Image): def __init__(self , path , replaceSpaces=True): if not os.path.isfile(path): raise IOError('%s is not a file' % path) self.path = path self.replaceSpaces = replaceSpaces self.Filename = os.path.basename(self.path) self.fh = None self.type = 'photo' def setContentType(self , ctype=None): if ctype is not None: self.contentType = ctype self.contentType = mimetypes.guess_type(self.getFileContents())[0] or \ 'application/octet-stream' def getContentType(self): if not self.contentType: self.setContentType() return self.contentType ContentType = property(getContentType , setContentType) def setFilename(self , name): self.filename = name if self.replaceSpaces: self.filename = self.filename.replace(' ' , '_') def getFilename(self): return self.filename Filename = property(getFilename , setFilename) def getFileContents(self): """ Gets the entire contents of the file returns(str) : File contents """ if self.fh is None: self.fh = open(self.path , 'rb') self.fh.seek(0) return self.fh.read() def getUploadContent(self): """ This will return a string containing the MIME headers and the actual binary content to be uploaded """ ret = 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; ' ret += 'filename="%s"\r\n' % self.filename ret += 'Content-Type: %s\r\n' % self.ContentType ret += 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n' ret += '\r\n' ret += self.getFileContents() + '\r\n' return ret def close(self): try: self.fh.close() except: pass class RemoteImage(BaseRemote , Image): def addComment(self , comment): """ Comment on this item with the string "comment" comment(str) : The comment returns(Comment) : The comment that was created """ return self._gal.addComment(self , comment) def read(self , length=None): if not self.fh: resp = self._gal.getRespFromUrl(self.file_url) self.fh = resp if length is None: return self.fh.read() return self.fh.read(int(length)) def close(self): try: self.fh.close() except: pass class LocalMovie(LocalImage): def __init__(self , path , replaceSpaces=True): LocalImage.__init__(self , path , replaceSpaces) self.type = 'movie' class RemoteMovie(RemoteImage): pass class Tag(BaseRemote): """ A simple class to represent a tag """ def __str__(self): return self.name def _postInit(self): if hasattr(self , 'count'): self.count = int(self.count) self.type = 'tag' def tag(self , tagName): raise G3Error('You cannot tag a tag') class Comment(BaseRemote): """ A class to represent a comment """ def __str__(self): return self.text def _postInit(self): # Change the "item" attribute to "parent" since that's what it is # I'm doing this to address overall consistency self._parent = None if hasattr(self , '_item'): self._parent = getattr(self , '_item') def tag(self , tagName): raise G3Error('You cannot tag a comment') def getItemFromResp(response , galObj , parent=None): """ Returns the appropriate item given the "addinfourl" response object from the urllib2 request response(addinfourl|dict) : The response object from the urllib2 request or a dict that has already been converted (usually when called from getItemsFromResp) galObj(Gallery3) : The gallery object this is associated with parent(Album) : The parent object for this item returns(BaseRemote) : Returns an implemenation of BaseRemote """ galObj = weakref.ref(galObj) if parent is not None: parent = weakref.ref(parent) if isinstance(response , dict): respObj = response else: respObj = json.loads(response.read()) if 'count' in respObj['entity']: # This is a tag. It doesn't have the same items as regular objects return Tag(respObj , galObj , parent) if 'text' in respObj['entity']: # This is a comment. It also does not have the same items as # regular objects return Comment(respObj , galObj , parent) try: t = respObj['entity']['type'] except: raise G3InvalidRespError('Response contains no "entity type": %r' % response) if t == 'album': return Album(respObj , galObj , parent) elif t == 'photo': return RemoteImage(respObj , galObj , parent) elif t == 'movie': return RemoteMovie(respObj , galObj , parent) else: raise G3UnknownTypeError('Unknown entity type: %s' % t) def getItemsFromResp(response , galObj , parent=None): """ This takes the raw response with a list of items and returns a list of the corresponding objects response(addinfourl|dict) : The response object from the urllib2 request or a dict that has already been converted (usually when called from getItemsFromResp) galObj(Gallery3) : The gallery object this is associated with parent(Album) : The parent object for this item returns(list[BaseRemote]) : Returns a list of BaseRemote objects """ ret = [] lResp = json.loads(response.read()) if not isinstance(lResp , list): lResp = list(lResp) for resp in lResp: ret.append(getItemFromResp(resp , galObj , parent)) return ret