/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Graham Breach * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * jQuery.tagcanvas 1.17.1 * For more information, please contact */ /** * Modified by Shad Laws 2012/06/08 -- all modified lines have "mod Shad Laws" comments * - built a physics-based model for motion, which is activated with the physModel flag * - included initialDecel, deadZone, maxInputZone, and physModel as options * - set defaults of new options to mimic behavior without them (false, 0, 0, and false) * - removed two unnecessary variable declarations caught by YUI Compressor * - fixed initialization of a few variables (minSpeed, decel, yaw/pitch) * - fixed problem with html margin-top changing coordinates in IE (but not Chrome or Firefox) */ (function($) { // var i, j, abs = Math.abs, sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, max = Math.max, min = Math.min, // mod Shad Laws var i, j, abs = Math.abs, sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, max = Math.max, min = Math.min, sqrt = Math.sqrt, // mod Shad Laws hexlookup3 = {}, hexlookup2 = {}, hexlookup1 = { 0:"0,", 1:"17,", 2:"34,", 3:"51,", 4:"68,", 5:"85,", 6:"102,", 7:"119,", 8:"136,", 9:"153,", a:"170,", A:"170,", b:"187,", B:"187,", c:"204,", C:"204,", d:"221,", D:"221,", e:"238,", E:"238,", f:"255,", F:"255," }, Oproto, Tproto, TCproto, doc = document, ocanvas, handlers = {}; for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { j = i.toString(16); if(i < 16) j = '0' + j; hexlookup2[j] = hexlookup2[j.toUpperCase()] = i.toString() + ','; } function Defined(d) { return typeof(d) != 'undefined'; } function Shuffle(a) { var i = a.length-1, t, p; while(i) { p = ~~(Math.random()*i); t = a[i]; a[i] = a[p]; a[p] = t; --i; } } function PointsOnSphere(n,xr,yr,zr) { var i, y, r, phi, pts = [], inc = Math.PI * (3-Math.sqrt(5)), off = 2/n; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { y = i * off - 1 + (off / 2); r = Math.sqrt(1 - y*y); phi = i * inc; pts.push([cos(phi) * r * xr, y * yr, sin(phi) * r * zr]); } return pts; } function Cylinder(n,o,xr,yr,zr,i,j,k,l) { var phi, pts = [], inc = Math.PI * (3-Math.sqrt(5)), off = 2/n; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { j = i * off - 1 + (off / 2); phi = i * inc; k = cos(phi); l = sin(phi); pts.push(o ? [j * xr, k * yr, l * zr] : [k * xr, j * yr, l * zr]); } return pts; } function PointsOnCylinderV(n,xr,yr,zr) { return Cylinder(n, 0, xr, yr, zr) } function PointsOnCylinderH(n,xr,yr,zr) { return Cylinder(n, 1, xr, yr, zr) } function SetAlpha(c,a) { var d = c, p1, p2, ae = (a*1).toPrecision(3) + ')'; if(c[0] === '#') { if(!hexlookup3[c]) if(c.length === 4) hexlookup3[c] = 'rgba(' + hexlookup1[c[1]] + hexlookup1[c[2]] + hexlookup1[c[3]]; else hexlookup3[c] = 'rgba(' + hexlookup2[c.substr(1,2)] + hexlookup2[c.substr(3,2)] + hexlookup2[c.substr(5,2)]; d = hexlookup3[c] + ae; } else if(c.substr(0,4) === 'rgb(' || c.substr(0,4) === 'hsl(') { d = (c.replace('(','a(').replace(')', ',' + ae)); } else if(c.substr(0,5) === 'rgba(' || c.substr(0,5) === 'hsla(') { p1 = c.lastIndexOf(',') + 1, p2 = c.indexOf(')'); a *= parseFloat(c.substring(p1,p2)); d = c.substr(0,p1) + a.toPrecision(3) + ')'; } return d; } function NewCanvas(w,h) { // if using excanvas, give up now if(window.G_vmlCanvasManager) return null; var c = doc.createElement('canvas'); c.width = w; c.height = h; return c; } // I think all browsers pass this test now... function ShadowAlphaBroken() { var cv = NewCanvas(3,3), c, i; if(!cv) return false; c = cv.getContext('2d'); c.strokeStyle = '#000'; c.shadowColor = '#fff'; c.shadowBlur = 3; c.globalAlpha = 0; c.strokeRect(2,2,2,2); c.globalAlpha = 1; i = c.getImageData(2,2,1,1); cv = null; return (i.data[0] > 0); } function FindGradientColour(t,p) { var l = 1024, g = t.weightGradient, cv, c, i, gd, d; if(t.gCanvas) { c = t.gCanvas.getContext('2d'); } else { t.gCanvas = cv = NewCanvas(l,1); if(!cv) return null; c = cv.getContext('2d'); gd = c.createLinearGradient(0,0,l,0); for(i in g) gd.addColorStop(1-i, g[i]); c.fillStyle = gd; c.fillRect(0,0,l,1); } d = c.getImageData(~~((l-1)*p),0,1,1).data; return 'rgba(' + d[0] + ',' + d[1] + ',' + d[2] + ',' + (d[3]/255) + ')'; } function TextSet(c,f,l,s,sc,sb,so) { var xo = (sb || 0) + (so && so[0] < 0 ? abs(so[0]) : 0), yo = (sb || 0) + (so && so[1] < 0 ? abs(so[1]) : 0); c.font = f; c.textBaseline = 'top'; c.fillStyle = l; sc && (c.shadowColor = sc); sb && (c.shadowBlur = sb); so && (c.shadowOffsetX = so[0], c.shadowOffsetY = so[1]); c.fillText(s, xo, yo); } function TextToCanvas(s,f,ht,w,h,l,sc,sb,so,padx,pady) { var cw = w + abs(so[0]) + sb + sb, ch = h + abs(so[1]) + sb + sb, cv, c; cv = NewCanvas(cw+padx,ch+pady); if(!cv) return null; c = cv.getContext('2d'); TextSet(c,f,l,s,sc,sb,so); return cv; } function AddShadowToImage(i,sc,sb,so) { var cw = i.width + abs(so[0]) + sb + sb, ch = i.height + abs(so[1]) + sb + sb, cv, c, xo = (sb || 0) + (so && so[0] < 0 ? abs(so[0]) : 0), yo = (sb || 0) + (so && so[1] < 0 ? abs(so[1]) : 0); cv = NewCanvas(cw,ch); if(!cv) return null; c = cv.getContext('2d'); sc && (c.shadowColor = sc); sb && (c.shadowBlur = sb); so && (c.shadowOffsetX = so[0], c.shadowOffsetY = so[1]); c.drawImage(i, xo, yo); return cv; } function FindTextBoundingBox(s,f,ht) { var w = parseInt(s.length * ht), h = parseInt(ht * 2), cv = NewCanvas(w,h), c, idata, w1, h1, x, y, i, ex; if(!cv) return null; c = cv.getContext('2d'); c.fillStyle = '#000'; c.fillRect(0,0,w,h); TextSet(c,ht + 'px ' + f,'#fff',s) idata = c.getImageData(0,0,w,h); w1 = idata.width; h1 = idata.height; ex = { min: { x: w1, y: h1 }, max: { x: -1, y: -1 } }; for(y = 0; y < h1; ++y) { for(x = 0; x < w1; ++x) { i = (y * w1 + x) * 4; if(idata.data[i+1] > 0) { if(x < ex.min.x) ex.min.x = x; if(x > ex.max.x) ex.max.x = x; if(y < ex.min.y) ex.min.y = y; if(y > ex.max.y) ex.max.y = y; } } } // device pixels might not be css pixels if(w1 != w) { ex.min.x *= (w / w1); ex.max.x *= (w / w1); } if(h1 != h) { ex.min.y *= (w / h1); ex.max.y *= (w / h1); } cv = null; return ex; } function FixFont(f) { return "'" + f.replace(/(\'|\")/g,'').replace(/\s*,\s*/g, "', '") + "'"; } function AddHandler(h,f,e) { e = e || doc; if(e.addEventListener) e.addEventListener(h,f,false); else e.attachEvent('on' + h, f); } function AddImage(i,o,t,tc) { var tl = tc.taglist, s = tc.imageScale; if(s && !(o.width && o.height)) { // images are not yet rendered, wait for window onload AddHandler('load', function() { AddImage(i,o,t,tc); }, window); return; } if(!i.complete) { // image not loaded, wait for image onload AddHandler('load',function() { AddImage(i,o,t,tc); }, i); return; } // Yes, this does look like nonsense, but it makes sure that both the // width and height are actually set and not just calculated. This is // required to keep proportional sizes when the images are hidden, so // the images can be used again for another cloud. o.width = o.width; o.height = o.height; if(s) { i.width = o.width * s; i.height = o.height * s; } t.w = i.width; t.h = i.height; tl.push(t); } function GetProperty(e,p) { var dv = doc.defaultView, pc = p.replace(/\-([a-z])/g,function(a){return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase()}); return (dv && dv.getComputedStyle && dv.getComputedStyle(e,null).getPropertyValue(p)) || (e.currentStyle && e.currentStyle[pc]); } function FindWeight(t,a) { var w = 1, p; if(t.weightFrom) { w = 1 * (a.getAttribute(t.weightFrom) || t.textHeight); } else if(p = GetProperty(a,'font-size')) { w = (p.indexOf('px') > -1 && p.replace('px','') * 1) || (p.indexOf('pt') > -1 && p.replace('pt','') * 1.25) || p * 3.3; } else { t.weight = false; } return w; } function MouseOut(e) { MouseMove(e); var cv = e.target || e.fromElement.parentNode, tc = TagCanvas.tc[cv.id]; tc && (tc.mx = tc.my = -1); } function MouseMove(e) { var i, tc, dd = doc.documentElement, o; for(i in TagCanvas.tc) { tc = TagCanvas.tc[i]; if(tc.tttimer) { clearTimeout(tc.tttimer); tc.tttimer = null; } o = $(tc.canvas).offset(); // if(e.pageX) { // mod Shad Laws if(e.offsetX) { // mod Shad Laws // this works for IE tc.mx = e.offsetX; // mod Shad Laws tc.my = e.offsetY; // mod Shad Laws } else if(e.pageX) { // mod Shad Laws // this doesn't work for IE --> e.pageY = -parseInt($("html").css("margin-left"), 10) for the top row! tc.mx = e.pageX - o.left; tc.my = e.pageY - o.top; } else { tc.mx = e.clientX + (dd.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft) - o.left; tc.my = e.clientY + (dd.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop) - o.top; } } } function MouseClick(e) { var t = TagCanvas, cb = doc.addEventListener ? 0 : 1, tg = e.target && Defined(e.target.id) ? e.target.id : e.srcElement.parentNode.id; if(tg && e.button == cb && t.tc[tg]) { MouseMove(e); t.tc[tg].Clicked(e); } } function MouseWheel(e) { var t = TagCanvas, tg = e.target && Defined(e.target.id) ? e.target.id : e.srcElement.parentNode.id; if(tg && t.tc[tg]) { e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); t.tc[tg].Wheel((e.wheelDelta || e.detail) > 0); } } function DrawCanvas() { var t = TagCanvas.tc, i; for(i in t) t[i].Draw(); } function RotX(p1,t) { var s = sin(t), c = cos(t); return {x:p1.x, y:(p1.y * c) + (p1.z * s), z:(p1.y * -s) + (p1.z * c)}; } function RotY(p1,t) { var s = sin(t), c = cos(t); return {x:(p1.x * c) + (p1.z * -s), y:p1.y, z:(p1.x * s) + (p1.z * c)}; } function Project(tc,p1,w,h,sx,sy) { var yn, xn, zn, m = tc.z1 / (tc.z1 + tc.z2 + p1.z); yn = p1.y * m * sy; xn = p1.x * m * sx; zn = tc.z2 + p1.z; return {x:xn, y:yn, z:zn}; } /** * @constructor */ function Outline(tc) { this.ts = new Date().valueOf(); this.tc = tc; this.x = this.y = this.w = this.h = this.sc = 1; this.z = 0; this.Draw = tc.pulsateTo < 1 && tc.outlineMethod != 'colour' ? this.DrawPulsate : this.DrawSimple; this.SetMethod(tc.outlineMethod); } Oproto = Outline.prototype; Oproto.SetMethod = function(om) { var methods = { block: ['PreDraw','DrawBlock'], colour: ['PreDraw','DrawColour'], outline: ['PostDraw','DrawOutline'], classic: ['LastDraw','DrawOutline'], none: ['LastDraw'] }, funcs = methods[om] || methods.outline; if(om == 'none') { this.Draw = function() { return 1; } } else { this.drawFunc = this[funcs[1]]; } this[funcs[0]] = this.Draw; }; Oproto.Update = function(x,y,w,h,sc,p,xo,yo) { var o = this.tc.outlineOffset, o2 = 2 * o; this.x = sc * x + xo - o; this.y = sc * y + yo - o; this.w = sc * w + o2; this.h = sc * h + o2; this.sc = sc; // used to determine frontmost this.z = p.z; }; Oproto.DrawOutline = function(c,x,y,w,h,colour) { c.strokeStyle = colour; c.strokeRect(x,y,w,h); }; Oproto.DrawColour = function(c,x,y,w,h,colour,tag,x1,y1) { return this[tag.image ? 'DrawColourImage' : 'DrawColourText'](c,x,y,w,h,colour,tag,x1,y1); }; Oproto.DrawColourText = function(c,x,y,w,h,colour,tag,x1,y1) { var normal = tag.colour; tag.colour = colour; tag.Draw(c,x1,y1); tag.colour = normal; return 1; }; Oproto.DrawColourImage = function(c,x,y,w,h,colour,tag,x1,y1) { var ccanvas = c.canvas, fx = ~~max(x,0), fy = ~~max(y,0), fw = min(ccanvas.width - fx, w) + .5|0, fh = min(ccanvas.height - fy,h) + .5|0, cc; if(ocanvas) ocanvas.width = fw, ocanvas.height = fh; else ocanvas = NewCanvas(fw, fh); if(!ocanvas) return this.SetMethod('outline'); // if using IE and images, give up! cc = ocanvas.getContext('2d'); cc.drawImage(ccanvas,fx,fy,fw,fh,0,0,fw,fh); c.clearRect(fx,fy,fw,fh); tag.Draw(c,x1,y1); c.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); c.save(); c.beginPath(); c.rect(fx,fy,fw,fh); c.clip(); c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in'; c.fillStyle = colour; c.fillRect(fx,fy,fw,fh); c.restore(); c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over'; c.drawImage(ocanvas,0,0,fw,fh,fx,fy,fw,fh); c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; return 1; }; Oproto.DrawBlock = function(c,x,y,w,h,colour) { c.fillStyle = colour; c.fillRect(x,y,w,h); }; Oproto.DrawSimple = function(c, tag, x1, y1) { var t = this.tc; c.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); c.strokeStyle = t.outlineColour; c.lineWidth = t.outlineThickness; c.shadowBlur = c.shadowOffsetX = c.shadowOffsetY = 0; c.globalAlpha = 1; return this.drawFunc(c,this.x,this.y,this.w,this.h,t.outlineColour,tag,x1,y1); }; Oproto.DrawPulsate = function(c, tag, x1, y1) { var diff = new Date().valueOf() - this.ts, t = this.tc; c.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); c.strokeStyle = t.outlineColour; c.lineWidth = t.outlineThickness; c.shadowBlur = c.shadowOffsetX = c.shadowOffsetY = 0; c.globalAlpha = t.pulsateTo + ((1 - t.pulsateTo) * (0.5 + (cos(2 * Math.PI * diff / (1000 * t.pulsateTime)) / 2))); return this.drawFunc(c,this.x,this.y,this.w,this.h,t.outlineColour,tag,x1,y1); }; Oproto.Active = function(c,x,y) { return (x >= this.x && y >= this.y && x <= this.x + this.w && y <= this.y + this.h); }; Oproto.PreDraw = Oproto.PostDraw = Oproto.LastDraw = function() {}; /** * @constructor */ function Tag(tc,name,a,v,w,h,col,font) { var c = tc.ctxt, i; this.tc = tc; this.image = name.src ? name : null; this.name = name.src ? '' : name; this.title = a.title || null; this.a = a; this.p3d = { x: v[0] * tc.radius * 1.1, y: v[1] * tc.radius * 1.1, z: v[2] * tc.radius * 1.1}; this.x = this.y = 0; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.colour = col || tc.textColour; this.textFont = font || tc.textFont; this.weight = this.sc = this.alpha = 1; this.weighted = !tc.weight; this.outline = new Outline(tc); if(this.image) { if(tc.txtOpt && tc.shadow) { i = AddShadowToImage(this.image,tc.shadow,tc.shadowBlur,tc.shadowOffset); if(i) { this.image = i; this.w = i.width; this.h = i.height; } } } else { this.textHeight = tc.textHeight; this.extents = FindTextBoundingBox(this.name, this.textFont, this.textHeight); this.Measure(c,tc); } this.SetShadowColour = tc.shadowAlpha ? this.SetShadowColourAlpha : this.SetShadowColourFixed; this.SetDraw(tc); } Tproto = Tag.prototype; Tproto.SetDraw = function(t) { this.Draw = this.image ? (t.ie > 7 ? this.DrawImageIE : this.DrawImage) : this.DrawText; t.noSelect && (this.CheckActive = function() {}); }; Tproto.Measure = function(c,t) { this.h = this.extents ? this.extents.max.y + this.extents.min.y : this.textHeight; c.font = this.font = this.textHeight + 'px ' + this.textFont; this.w = c.measureText(this.name).width; if(t.txtOpt) { var s = t.txtScale, th = s * this.textHeight, f = th + 'px ' + this.textFont, soff = [s*t.shadowOffset[0],s*t.shadowOffset[1]], cw; c.font = f; cw = c.measureText(this.name).width; this.image = TextToCanvas(this.name, f, th, cw, s * this.h, this.colour, t.shadow, s * t.shadowBlur, soff, s, s); if(this.image) { this.w = this.image.width / s; this.h = this.image.height / s; } this.SetDraw(t); t.txtOpt = this.image; } }; Tproto.SetWeight = function(w) { if(!this.name.length) return; this.weight = w; this.Weight(this.tc.ctxt, this.tc); this.Measure(this.tc.ctxt, this.tc); }; Tproto.Weight = function(c,t) { var w = this.weight, m = t.weightMode; this.weighted = true; if(m == 'colour' || m == 'both') this.colour = FindGradientColour(t, (w - t.min_weight) / (t.max_weight-t.min_weight)); if(m == 'size' || m == 'both') this.textHeight = w * t.weightSize; this.extents = FindTextBoundingBox(this.name, this.textFont, this.textHeight); }; Tproto.SetShadowColourFixed = function(c,s,a) { c.shadowColor = s; }; Tproto.SetShadowColourAlpha = function(c,s,a) { c.shadowColor = SetAlpha(s, a); }; Tproto.DrawText = function(c,xoff,yoff) { var t = this.tc, x = this.x, y = this.y, w, h, s = this.sc; c.globalAlpha = this.alpha; c.setTransform(s,0,0,s,0,0); c.fillStyle = this.colour; t.shadow && this.SetShadowColour(c,t.shadow,this.alpha); c.font = this.font; w = this.w; h = this.h; x += (xoff / s) - (w / 2); y += (yoff / s) - (h / 2); c.fillText(this.name, x, y); }; Tproto.DrawImage = function(c,xoff,yoff) { //var t = this.tc, x = this.x, y = this.y, s = this.sc, // mod Shad Laws var x = this.x, y = this.y, s = this.sc, // mod Shad Laws i = this.image, w = this.w, h = this.h, a = this.alpha, shadow = this.shadow; c.globalAlpha = a; c.setTransform(s,0,0,s,0,0); c.fillStyle = this.colour; shadow && this.SetShadowColour(c,shadow,a); x += (xoff / s) - (w / 2); y += (yoff / s) - (h / 2); c.drawImage(i, x, y, w, h); }; Tproto.DrawImageIE = function(c,xoff,yoff) { var i = this.image, s = this.sc, w = i.width = this.w*s, h = i.height = this.h * s, x = (this.x*s) + xoff - (w/2), y = (this.y*s) + yoff - (h/2); c.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); c.globalAlpha = this.alpha; c.drawImage(i, x, y); }; Tproto.Calc = function(yaw,pitch) { var pp = RotY(this.p3d,yaw), t = this.tc, mb = t.minBrightness, r = t.radius; this.p3d = RotX(pp,pitch); pp = Project(t, this.p3d, this.w, this.h, t.stretchX, t.stretchY); this.x = pp.x; this.y = pp.y; this.sc = (t.z1 + t.z2 - pp.z) / t.z2; this.alpha = max(mb,min(1,mb + 1 - ((pp.z - t.z2 + r) / (2 * r)))); }; Tproto.CheckActive = function(c,xoff,yoff) { var t = this.tc, o = this.outline, w = this.w, h = this.h, x = this.x - w/2, y = this.y - h/2; o.Update(x, y, w, h, this.sc, this.p3d, xoff, yoff); return o.Active(c, t.mx, t.my) ? o : null; }; Tproto.Clicked = function(e) { var a = this.a, t = a.target, h = a.href, evt; if(t != '' && t != '_self') { if(self.frames[t]) { self.frames[t] = h; } else{ try { if(top.frames[t]) { top.frames[t] = h; return; } } catch(err) { // different domain/port/protocol? } window.open(h, t); } return; } if(doc.createEvent) { evt = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initMouseEvent('click', 1, 1, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); if(!a.dispatchEvent(evt)) return; } else if(a.fireEvent) { if(!a.fireEvent('onclick')) return; } doc.location = h; }; /** * @constructor */ function TagCanvas() { var i, opts = { mx: -1, my: -1, z1: 20000, z2: 20000, z0: 0.0002, freezeActive: false, activeCursor: 'pointer', pulsateTo: 1, pulsateTime: 3, reverse: false, depth: 0.5, maxSpeed: 0.05, minSpeed: 0, decel: 0.95, interval: 20, initial: null, initialDecel: false, // mod Shad Laws deadZone: 0, // mod Shad Laws physModel: false, // mod Shad Laws maxInputZone: 0, // mod Shad Laws hideTags: true, minBrightness: 0.1, outlineColour: '#ffff99', outlineThickness: 2, outlineOffset: 5, outlineMethod: 'outline', textColour: '#ff99ff', textHeight: 15, textFont: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', shadow: '#000', shadowBlur: 0, shadowOffset: [0,0], zoom: 1, weight: false, weightMode: 'size', weightFrom: null, weightSize: 1, weightGradient: {0:'#f00', 0.33:'#ff0', 0.66:'#0f0', 1:'#00f'}, txtOpt: true, txtScale: 2, frontSelect: false, wheelZoom: true, zoomMin: 0.3, zoomMax: 3, zoomStep: 0.05, shape: 'sphere', lock: null, tooltip: null, tooltipDelay: 300, tooltipClass: 'tctooltip', radiusX: 1, radiusY: 1, radiusZ: 1, stretchX: 1, stretchY: 1, shuffleTags: false, noSelect: false, noMouse: false, imageScale: 1 }; for(i in opts) this[i] = opts[i]; this.max_weight = 0; this.min_weight = 200; } TCproto = TagCanvas.prototype; TCproto.Draw = function() { var cv = this.canvas, cw = cv.width, ch = cv.height, max_sc = 0, yaw = this.yaw, pitch = this.pitch, x1 = cw / 2, y1 = ch / 2, c = this.ctxt, active, a, i, aindex = -1, tl = this.taglist, l = tl.length, frontsel = this.frontSelect; //if(yaw == 0 && pitch == 0 && this.drawn) // mod Shad Laws if(yaw == 0 && pitch == 0 && this.drawn && !this.zoneActive) // mod Shad Laws return this.Animate(cw,ch); c.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); this.active = null; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) tl[i].Calc(yaw, pitch); tl = tl.sort(function(a,b) {return a.sc-b.sc}); for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { a = tl[i].CheckActive(c, x1, y1); a = this.mx >= 0 && this.my >= 0 && tl[i].CheckActive(c, x1, y1); if(a && a.sc > max_sc && (!frontsel || a.z <= 0)) { active = a; active.index = aindex = i; max_sc = a.sc; } } this.active = active; if(!this.txtOpt && this.shadow) { c.shadowBlur = this.shadowBlur; c.shadowOffsetX = this.shadowOffset[0]; c.shadowOffsetY = this.shadowOffset[1]; } c.clearRect(0,0,cw,ch); for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { if(!(aindex == i && active.PreDraw(c, tl[i], x1, y1))) tl[i].Draw(c, x1, y1); aindex == i && active.PostDraw(c); } if(this.freezeActive && active) { this.yaw = this.pitch = this.drawn = 0; } else { this.Animate(cw, ch); this.drawn = (l == this.listLength); } active && active.LastDraw(c); cv.style.cursor = active ? this.activeCursor : ''; this.Tooltip(active,tl[aindex]); }; TCproto.TooltipNone = function() { }; TCproto.TooltipNative = function(active,tag) { this.canvas.title = active && tag.title ? tag.title : ''; }; TCproto.TooltipDiv = function(active,tag) { //var tc = this, s = tc.ttdiv.style, cid = tc.canvas.id; // mod Shad Laws var tc = this, s = tc.ttdiv.style; // mod Shad Laws if(active && tag.title) { tc.ttdiv.innerHTML = tag.title; if(s.display == 'none' && ! tc.tttimer) { tc.tttimer = setTimeout(function() { var p = $(tc.canvas).offset(); s.display = 'block'; s.left = p.left + tc.mx + 'px'; s.top = p.top + tc.my + 24 + 'px'; tc.tttimer = null; }, tc.tooltipDelay); } } else { s.display = 'none'; } }; TCproto.Animate = function(w,h) { // mod Shad Laws - original function afterward var tc = this; // mod Shad Laws if(tc.physModel) /** * Physics-based model -- mod Shad Laws * State update equation * (normalized inertia J=1 and time-step dt=1, forward Euler discretization) * w1 = w - b*w + m*(u-f) + n*v * where w1,w,u,f,v are vectors, b,m,n are scalars: * w = rotational speed at t=k * components wx, wy, magnitude w * w1 = rotational speed at t=k+1 * components wx1, wy1, magnitude w1 * u-f = actual input from mouse position (-1 <= u-f <= 1) * components ux, uy, magnitude u * coulomb friction f (models "deadZone" effect) * reversed/locked/saturated as defined (models "reverse", "lock", and "maxInputZone" effects) * v = fictitious input (-1 <= v <= 1) * components vx, vy, magnitude v * directed as needed (models "minSpeed" effect) * b = damping (models "decel" effect) * m = maximum actual input (models "maxSpeed" effect) * n = maximum fictitious input (models "minSpeed" effect) */ { var x = tc.mx, y = tc.my, xmax = w-1, ymax = h-1, xstr = tc.stretchX, ystr = tc.stretchY; var r = tc.reverse ? -1 : 1, l = tc.lock, usat = tc.maxInputZone, zt = tc.z0; // calculate physical parameters (b,f,m,n) var b = 1-tc.decel, f = tc.deadZone, m = tc.maxSpeed*b, n = tc.minSpeed*b; // set rotational velocities, following previous convention where x-rotation is "pitch" and y-rotation is "yaw" var wx = tc.pitch, wy = tc.yaw, w = sqrt(wx*wx + wy*wy), wx1, wy1, w1; // calculate inputs var ux, uy, u, vx, vy, v; this.zoneActive = false; if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x <= xmax && y <= ymax) { // the "max(xmax/ymax,1)" parts are needed to deal with non-square tag clouds correctly ux = -r * (2 * y/ymax - 1) * max(ymax/xmax,1) / ystr; uy = r * (2 * x/xmax - 1) * max(xmax/ymax,1) / xstr; if(abs(ux) <= 1+usat && abs(uy) <= 1+usat) { ux = (l != 'y') ? ux : 0; uy = (l != 'x') ? uy : 0; u = sqrt(ux*ux + uy*uy); if(u <= f || f >= 1-zt) // dead zone, zero input { this.initial = null; this.zoneActive = true; ux = 0, uy = 0, u = 0; vx = 0, vy = 0, v = 0; } else if(u <= 1) // inside cloud, normal input { this.initial = null; this.zoneActive = true; ux = ux/u*(u-f)/(1-f), uy = uy/u*(u-f)/(1-f), u = (u-f)/(1-f); vx = 0, vy = 0, v = 0; } else if(u <= 1+usat) // just outside cloud, saturated input { this.initial = null; this.zoneActive = true; ux = ux/u, uy = uy/u, u = 1; vx = 0, vy = 0, v = 0; } } } if(!this.zoneActive) // outside cloud, fictitious input { ux = 0, uy = 0, u = 0; if(w >= zt) vx = wx/w, vy = wy/w, v = 1; else { v = 2*Math.PI*Math.random(); if(l == 'x') vx = 0, vy = v= 0 && y >= 0 && x < w && y < h) { tc.zoneActive = true; // mod Shad Laws //s = tc.maxSpeed, r = tc.reverse ? -1 : 1; // mod Shad Laws s = tc.maxSpeed, r = tc.reverse ? -1 : 1, dz = tc.deadZone; // mod Shad Laws if(l != 'x') //this.yaw = r * ((s * 2 * x / w) - s); // mod Shad Laws this.yaw = r * s / max(1-dz,0.000001) * ( max(2*x/w-1-dz,0) + min(2*x/w-1+dz,0) ); // mod Shad Laws if(l != 'y') //this.pitch = r * -((s * 2 * y / h) - s); // mod Shad Laws this.pitch = -r * s / max(1-dz,0.000001) * ( max(2*y/h-1-dz,0) + min(2*y/h-1+dz,0) ); // mod Shad Laws this.initial = null; } //else if(!tc.initial) // mod Shad Laws else if(!tc.initial || tc.initialDecel) // mod Shad Laws { s = tc.minSpeed, ay = abs(tc.yaw), ap = abs(tc.pitch); if(l != 'x' && ay > s) this.yaw = ay > tc.z0 ? tc.yaw * tc.decel : 0; if(l != 'y' && ap > s) this.pitch = ap > tc.z0 ? tc.pitch * tc.decel : 0; } } }; TCproto.Zoom = function(r) { this.z2 = this.z1 * (1/r); this.drawn = 0; }; TCproto.Clicked = function(e) { var t = this.taglist, a = this.active; try { if(a && t[a.index]) t[a.index].Clicked(e); } catch(ex) { } }; TCproto.Wheel = function(i) { var z = this.zoom + this.zoomStep * (i ? 1 : -1); this.zoom = min(this.zoomMax,max(this.zoomMin,z)); this.Zoom(this.zoom); }; TagCanvas.tc = {}; jQuery.fn.tagcanvas = function(options,lctr) { var links, ctr = lctr ? jQuery('#'+lctr) : this; if(doc.all && !lctr) return false; // IE must have external list links = ctr.find('a'); if(Defined(window.G_vmlCanvasManager)) { this.each(function() { $(this)[0] = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement($(this)[0]); }); options.ie = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE')[1]); } if(!links.length || !this[0].getContext || !this[0].getContext('2d').fillText) return false; this.each(function() { var i, vl, im, ii, tag, jqt, w, weights = [], pfuncs = { sphere:PointsOnSphere, vcylinder:PointsOnCylinderV, hcylinder:PointsOnCylinderH }; // if using internal links, get only the links for this canvas lctr || (links = $(this).find('a')); jqt = new TagCanvas; for(i in options) jqt[i] = options[i]; jqt.z1 = (19800 / (Math.exp(jqt.depth) * (1-1/Math.E))) + 20000 - 19800 / (1-(1/Math.E)); jqt.z2 = jqt.z1 * (1/jqt.zoom); jqt.radius = (this.height > this.width ? this.width : this.height) * 0.33 * (jqt.z2 + jqt.z1) / (jqt.z1); //jqt.yaw = jqt.initial ? jqt.initial[0] * jqt.maxSpeed : 0; // mod Shad Laws //jqt.pitch = jqt.initial ? jqt.initial[1] * jqt.maxSpeed : 0; // mod Shad Laws jqt.yaw = jqt.initial && (jqt.lock != 'x') ? jqt.initial[0] * jqt.maxSpeed : 0; jqt.pitch = jqt.initial && (jqt.lock != 'y') ? jqt.initial[1] * jqt.maxSpeed : 0; jqt.canvas = $(this)[0]; jqt.ctxt = jqt.canvas.getContext('2d'); jqt.textFont = jqt.textFont && FixFont(jqt.textFont); jqt.deadZone *= 1; // mod Shad Laws jqt.minSpeed *= 1; // mod Shad Laws jqt.decel *= 1; // mod Shad Laws jqt.maxInputZone *= 1; // mod Shad Laws jqt.pulsateTo *= 1; jqt.textHeight *= 1; jqt.minBrightness *= 1; jqt.ctxt.textBaseline = 'top'; if(jqt.shadowBlur || jqt.shadowOffset[0] || jqt.shadowOffset[1]) { // let the browser translate "red" into "#ff0000" jqt.ctxt.shadowColor = jqt.shadow; jqt.shadow = jqt.ctxt.shadowColor; jqt.shadowAlpha = ShadowAlphaBroken(); } else { delete jqt.shadow; } jqt.taglist = []; jqt.shape = pfuncs[jqt.shape] || pfuncs.sphere; vl = jqt.shape(links.length, jqt.radiusX, jqt.radiusY, jqt.radiusZ); jqt.shuffleTags && Shuffle(vl); jqt.listLength = links.length; for(i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { im = links[i].getElementsByTagName('img'); if(im.length) { ii = new Image; ii.src = im[0].src; tag = new Tag(jqt,ii, links[i], vl[i], 1, 1); AddImage(ii,im[0],tag,jqt); } else { jqt.taglist.push(new Tag(jqt,links[i].innerText || links[i].textContent, links[i], vl[i], 2, jqt.textHeight + 2, jqt.textColour || GetProperty(links[i],'color'), jqt.textFont || FixFont(GetProperty(links[i],'font-family')))); } if(jqt.weight) { w = FindWeight(jqt,links[i]); if(w > jqt.max_weight) jqt.max_weight = w; if(w < jqt.min_weight) jqt.min_weight = w; weights.push(w); } } if(jqt.weight = (jqt.max_weight > jqt.min_weight)) { for(i = 0; i < jqt.taglist.length; ++i) { jqt.taglist[i].SetWeight(weights[i]); } } TagCanvas.tc[$(this)[0].id] = jqt; jqt.Tooltip = (jqt.tooltip == 'native' ? jqt.TooltipNative : (jqt.tooltip ? jqt.TooltipDiv : jqt.TooltipNone)); if(jqt.tooltip) { if(jqt.tooltip == 'native') { jqt.Tooltip = jqt.TooltipNative; } else { jqt.Tooltip = jqt.TooltipDiv; if(!jqt.ttdiv) { jqt.ttdiv = doc.createElement('div'); jqt.ttdiv.className = jqt.tooltipClass; jqt.ttdiv.style.position = 'absolute'; jqt.ttdiv.style.zIndex = jqt.canvas.style.zIndex + 1; AddHandler('mouseover',function(e){e.target.style.display='none';},jqt.ttdiv); doc.body.appendChild(jqt.ttdiv); } } } else { jqt.Tooltip = jqt.TooltipNone; } if(!jqt.noMouse && !handlers[$(this)[0].id]) { // for some reason, using bind with mouseup isn't working in IE AddHandler('mousemove', MouseMove, this); AddHandler('mouseout', MouseOut, this); AddHandler('mouseup', MouseClick, this); if(jqt.wheelZoom) { AddHandler('mousewheel', MouseWheel, this); AddHandler('DOMMouseScroll', MouseWheel, this); } handlers[$(this)[0].id] = 1; } if(lctr && jqt.hideTags) { if(TagCanvas.loaded) $(ctr).hide(); else AddHandler('load', function() { $(ctr).hide() }, window); } options.interval = options.interval || jqt.interval; }); return !!(TagCanvas.started || (TagCanvas.started = setInterval(DrawCanvas, options.interval))); }; // set a flag for when the window has loaded AddHandler('load',function(){TagCanvas.loaded=1;},window); })(jQuery);