module_name = "image_optimizer"; $rule->target = $target; $rule->operation = 'image_optimizer::optimize'; $rule->priority = 999999999; // this MUST be larger than all others to be last $rule->args = serialize($target); // this isn't typical for other graphics rules $rule->active = true; $rule->save(); } // remove image_optimizer rules without marking for dirty (based on remove_rule) static function remove_image_optimizer_rule($target) { db::build() ->delete("graphics_rules") ->where("target", "=", $target) ->where("module_name", "=", "image_optimizer") ->execute(); } // activate update mode - disactivates all currently-active rules except those of image_optimizer without marking for dirty // sets update_mode_thumb/resize variable with serialized list of deactivated rule ids static function activate_update_mode($target) { // find all currently active non-image-optimizer rules $rules = db::build() ->from("graphics_rules") ->select("id") ->where("active", "=", true) ->where("target", "=", $target) ->where("module_name", "!=", "image_optimizer") ->execute(); // use found rules to build ids array and deactivate rules $ids = array(); foreach ($rules as $rule) { $ids[] = $rule->id; db::build() ->update("graphics_rules") ->where("id", "=", $rule->id) ->set("active", false) // deactivation! ->execute(); } // set module variable as deactivated rule ids module::set_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_".$target, serialize($ids)); // display a warning that we're in update mode site_status::warning( t("Image optimizer is in thumb/resize update mode - remember to exit here after rebuild!", array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/image_optimizer")))), "image_optimizer_update_mode"); } // deactivate update mode - re-activates rules marked in the update_mode_thumb/resize variable as previously deactivated static function deactivate_update_mode($target) { // get deactivated rule ids $ids = unserialize(module::get_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_".$target)); // activate them foreach ($ids as $id) { db::build() ->update("graphics_rules") ->where("id", "=", $id) ->set("active", true) // activation! ->execute(); } // reset module variable module::set_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_".$target, false); // clear update mode warning if (!module::get_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_thumb") && !module::get_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_resize")) { site_status::clear("image_optimizer_update_mode"); } } // mark all as dirty (in similar syntax to above) static function dirty($target) { graphics::mark_dirty($target == "thumb", $target == "resize"); } /** * the main optimize function * * the function arguments are the same format as other graphics rules. the only "option" is $target, hence why it's renamed in the function def. * * NOTE: unlike other graphics transformations, this only uses the output file! if it isn't already there, we don't do anything. * among other things, this means that the original, full-size images are never touched. */ static function optimize($input_file, $output_file, $target, $item=null) { // see if output file exists and is writable if (is_writable($output_file)) { // see if input is a supported file type. if not, return without doing anything. $image_info = getimagesize($input_file); // [0]=w, [1]=h, [2]=type (1=GIF, 2=JPG, 3=PNG) switch ($image_info[2]) { case 1: $type_old = "gif"; $convert = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "convert_".$target."_gif"); break; case 2: $type_old = "jpg"; $convert = 0; // no conversion possible here... break; case 3: $type_old = "png"; $convert = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "convert_".$target."_png"); break; default: // not a supported file type return; } } else { // file doesn't exist or isn't writable return; } // set new file type $type = $convert ? $convert : $type_old; // convert image type (if applicable). this isn't necessarily lossless. if ($convert) { $output_file_new = legal_file::change_extension($output_file, $type); // perform conversion using standard Gallery toolkit (GD/ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick) // note: if input was a GIF, this will kill animation $image = Image::factory($output_file) ->quality(module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality")) ->save($output_file_new); // if filenames are different, move the new on top of the old if ($output_file != $output_file_new) { /** * HACK ALERT! Gallery3 is still broken with regard to treating thumb/resizes with proper extensions. This doesn't try to fix that. * Normal Gallery setup: * photo thumb -> keep photo type, keep photo extension * album thumb -> keep source photo thumb type, change extension to jpg (i.e. ".album.jpg" even for png/gif) * Also, missing_photo.png is similarly altered... * * Anyway, to avoid many rewrites of core functions (and not-easily-reversible database changes), this module also forces the extension to stay the same. * With image optimizer conversion: * photo thumb -> change type, keep photo extension (i.e. "photo.png" photo becomes "photo.png" thumb even if type has changed) * album thumb -> keep source photo thumb type, change extension to jpg (i.e. ".album.jpg" even for png/gif) */ rename($output_file_new, $output_file); } } // get module variables $configstatus = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "configstatus_".$type); $path = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "path_".$type); $opt = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "optlevel_".$target."_".$type); $meta = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "metastrip_".$target); $prog = module::get_var("image_optimizer", "progressive_".$target); // make sure the toolkit is configured correctly and we want to use it - if not, return without doing anything. if ($configstatus) { if (!$prog && !$meta && !$opt) { // nothing to do! return; } } else { // not configured correctly return; } /** * do the actual optimization */ // set parameters switch ($type) { case "jpg": $exec_args = $opt ? " -optimize" : ""; $exec_args .= $meta ? " -copy none" : " -copy all"; $exec_args .= $prog ? " -progressive" : ""; $exec_args .= " -outfile "; break; case "png": $exec_args = $opt ? " -o".$opt : ""; $exec_args .= $meta ? " -strip all" : ""; $exec_args .= $prog ? " -i 1" : ""; $exec_args .= " -quiet -out "; break; case "gif": $exec_args = $opt ? " --optimize=3" : ""; // levels 1 and 2 don't really help us $exec_args .= $meta ? " --no-comments --no-extensions --no-names" : " --same-comments --same-extensions --same-names"; $exec_args .= $prog ? " --interlace" : " --same-interlace"; $exec_args .= " --careful --output "; break; } // run it - from output_file to tmp_file. $tmp_file = image_optimizer::make_temp_name($output_file); exec(escapeshellcmd($path) . $exec_args . escapeshellarg($tmp_file) . " " . escapeshellarg($output_file), $exec_output, $exec_status); if ($exec_status || !filesize($tmp_file)) { // either a blank/nonexistant file or an error - do nothing to the output, but log an error and delete the temp (if any) Kohana_Log::add("error", "image_optimizer optimization failed on ".$output_file); unlink($tmp_file); } else { // worked - move temp to output rename($tmp_file, $output_file); } } /** * make a unique temporary filename. this bit is inspired/copied from * the system/libraries/Image.php save function and the system/libraries/drivers/Image/ImageMagick.php process function */ static function make_temp_name($file) { // Separate the directory and filename $dir = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); $file = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); // Normalize the path $dir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($dir)).'/'; // Unique temporary filename $tmp_file = $dir.'k2img--'.sha1(time().$dir.$file).substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')); return $tmp_file; } /** * get stdin, stdout, or stderr from shell command. php commands like exec() don't do this. * this is only used to get jpegtran's version info in the admin screen. * * see */ static function get_pipe($cmd, $pipe) { $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout 2 => array("pipe", "w"), // stderr ); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[$pipe]); fclose($pipes[0]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($process); return $output; } }