css("calendarview_calendar.css"); $template->set_global("calendar_user", $display_user); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Calendar"); $template->content = new View("calendarview_year.html"); $template->content->calendar_year = $display_year; $template->content->calendar_user = $display_user; $template->content->calendar_user_year_form = $this->_get_calenderprefs_form($display_year, $display_user); $template->content->title = t("Calendar") . ": " . $display_year; // Set up breadcrumbs $calendar_breadcrumbs[0] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url()); $calendar_breadcrumbs[1] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb($display_year, ""); $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $calendar_breadcrumbs); print $template; } public function day($display_year, $display_user, $display_month, $display_day) { // Display all images for the specified day. // Figure out the total number of photos to display. $day_count = 0; if ($display_user == "-1") { $day_count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, ($display_day + 1), $display_year)) ->find_all() ->count(); } else { $day_count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $display_user) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, ($display_day + 1), $display_year)) ->find_all() ->count(); } // Figure out paging stuff. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); $page = (int) Input::instance()->get("page", "1"); $offset = ($page-1) * $page_size; $max_pages = max(ceil($day_count / $page_size), 1); // Make sure that the page references a valid offset if (($page < 1) || ($page > $max_pages)) { throw new Kohana_404_Exception(); } // Set up the page. $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "collection", "CalendarDayView"); $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Calendar"); // Figure out which photos go on this page. if ($display_user == "-1") { $template->set_global("children", ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, ($display_day + 1), $display_year)) ->order_by("captured", "ASC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset)); } else { $template->set_global("children", ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $display_user) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, ($display_day + 1), $display_year)) ->order_by("captured", "ASC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset)); } // Set up breadcrumbs $calendar_breadcrumbs[0] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url()); $calendar_breadcrumbs[1] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb($display_year, url::site("calendarview/calendar/" . $display_year . "/" . $display_user)); $calendar_breadcrumbs[2] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb(t(date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year))), url::site("calendarview/month/" . $display_year . "/" . $display_user . "/" . $display_month)); $calendar_breadcrumbs[3] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb($display_day, ""); $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $calendar_breadcrumbs); // Finish setting up and then display the page. $template->set_global("children_count", $day_count); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Photos From ") . date("d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year)) . " " . t(date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year))) . " " . date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, $display_day, $display_year)); print $template; } public function month($display_year, $display_user, $display_month) { // Display all images for the specified month. // Figure out the total number of photos to display. $day_count = 0; if ($display_user == "-1") { $day_count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month+1, 1, $display_year)) ->find_all() ->count(); } else { $day_count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $display_user) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month+1, 1, $display_year)) ->find_all() ->count(); } // Figure out paging stuff. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); $page = (int) Input::instance()->get("page", "1"); $offset = ($page-1) * $page_size; $max_pages = max(ceil($day_count / $page_size), 1); // Make sure that the page references a valid offset if (($page < 1) || ($page > $max_pages)) { throw new Kohana_404_Exception(); } // Set up the page. $template = new Theme_View("calpage.html", "collection", "CalendarMonthView"); $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Calendar"); // Figure out which photos go on this page. if ($display_user == "-1") { $template->set_global("children", ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month+1, 1, $display_year)) ->order_by("captured", "ASC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset)); } else { $template->set_global("children", ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $display_user) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", ">=", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year)) ->where("captured", "<", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month+1, 1, $display_year)) ->order_by("captured", "ASC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset)); } // Set up breadcrumbs $calendar_breadcrumbs[0] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb(item::root()->title, item::root()->url()); $calendar_breadcrumbs[1] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb($display_year, url::site("calendarview/calendar/" . $display_year . "/" . $display_user)); $calendar_breadcrumbs[2] = new Calendar_Breadcrumb(t(date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year))), ""); $template->set_global("breadcrumbs", $calendar_breadcrumbs); // Finish setting up and then display the page. $template->set_global("children_count", $day_count); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Photos From ") . t(date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year))) . " " . date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $display_month, 1, $display_year)); print $template; } private function _get_calenderprefs_form($display_year, $display_user) { // Generate a form to allow the visitor to select a year and a gallery photo owner. $calendar_group = new Forge("calendarview/setprefs", "", "post", array("id" => "g-view-calendar-form")); // Generate a list of all Gallery users who have uploaded photos. $valid_users[-1] = "(All Users)"; $gallery_users = ORM::factory("user")->find_all(); foreach ($gallery_users as $one_user) { $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $one_user->id) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", "!=", "") ->find_all() ->count(); if ($count > 0) { $valid_users[$one_user->id] = $one_user->full_name; } } // Generate a list of years, starting with the year the earliest photo was // taken, and ending with the year of the most recent photo. $valid_years = Array(); $all_photos = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() //->where("owner_id", "=", $one_user->id) ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", "!=", "") ->order_by("captured", "DESC") ->find_all(); $counter = date('Y', $all_photos[count($all_photos)-1]->captured); while ($counter <= date('Y', $all_photos[0]->captured)) { $valid_years[$counter] = $counter; $counter++; } // Create the form. $calendar_group->dropdown('cal_user') ->label(t("Display Photos From User: ")) ->id('cal_user') ->options($valid_users) ->selected($display_user); $calendar_group->dropdown('cal_year') ->label(t("For Year: ")) ->id('cal_year') ->options($valid_years) ->selected($display_year); // Add a save button to the form. $calendar_group->submit("SaveSettings")->value(t("Go"))->id('cal_go'); // Return the newly generated form. return $calendar_group; } public function setprefs() { // Change the calendar year and / or user. // Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery access::verify_csrf(); // Get user specified settings. $str_user_id = Input::instance()->post("cal_user"); $str_year_id = Input::instance()->post("cal_year"); // redirect to the currect page. url::redirect(url::site("calendarview/calendar/" . $str_year_id . "/" . $str_user_id)); } }