is_album()) { return false; } $mime = $item->mime_type; if ($mime == 'image/jpeg' || $mime == 'image/png' || $mime == 'image/gif') {} else { return false; } $owner = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $item->owner_id)->find(); $user_name = $owner->full_name; $exiv = module::get_var('author', 'exiv_path'); $version = module::get_var('author', 'exiv_version'); /* Debian stable ships with exiv2 0.16 at the time of writing. You get roughly the same output out of the utility as with 0.20, but you have to invoke it several times. The real threshhold for this might be somewhere between 0.16 and 0.20, but the 0.16 way of doing things is forward compatible. */ $exivData = array(); if ($version < 0.20) { exec("$exiv -p x " . escapeshellarg($item->file_path()), $exivData); exec("$exiv -p i " . escapeshellarg($item->file_path()), $exivData); exec("$exiv -p t " . escapeshellarg($item->file_path()), $exivData); } else { exec("$exiv -p a " . escapeshellarg($item->file_path()), $exivData); } $has = array(); $mod = array(); foreach ($exivData as $line) { $tokens = preg_split('/\s+/', $line, 4); $has[ $tokens[0] ] = $tokens[3]; } $candidates = array( $has['Xmp.dc.creator'], $has['Iptc.Application2.Byline'], $has['Exif.Image.Artist'], $user_name, 'Unknown'); foreach ($candidates as $cand) { if ($cand != '') { $byline = $cand; break; } } if (!array_key_exists('Exif.Image.Artist', $has)) { $mod['Exif.Image.Artist'] = $byline; } if (!array_key_exists('Iptc.Application2.Byline', $has)) { $mod['Iptc.Application2.Byline'] = $byline; } /* Apply the credit block */ $credit = module::get_var("author", "credit"); if ($credit != '') { $mod['Iptc.Application2.Credit'] = $credit; } /* Older versions doesn't support XMP writing. */ if ($version >= 0.20) { if (!array_key_exists('Xmp.dc.creator', $has)) { $mod['Xmp.dc.creator'] = $byline; } /* Apply our own image terms URL */ $terms = module::get_var("author", "usage_terms"); if ($terms != '') { $mod['Xmp.xmpRights.UsageTerms'] = ''; } } $line = $exiv . ' '; foreach ($mod as $key => $value) { $line .= "-M \"set $key " . escapeshellarg($value) . "\" "; } $files = array( $item->file_path(), $item->thumb_path(), $item->resize_path() ); foreach ($files as $file) { system("$line " . escapeshellarg($file)); } $record = ORM::factory("author_record")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->find(); if (!$record->loaded()) { $record->item_id = $item->id; } $record->author = $byline; $record->dirty = 0; $record->save(); return $byline; } }