dom = $dom; $this->element = $dom->createElement($element_name); } else { $this->dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $this->element = $this->dom->createElementNS("", $element_name); } $this->dom->appendChild($this->element); $this->element_name = $element_name; return $this; } public function get_element() { $this->add_children_to_base_element(); return $this->element; } public function as_xml() { $this->add_children_to_base_element(); $this->dom->formatOutput = true; return $this->dom->saveXML(); } public function as_json() { $this->add_children_to_base_element(); /* Both Google and Yahoo generate their JSON from XML. We could do that, too. */ return null; } public function load_xml($xml) { /* Load XML into our DOM. We can also validate against the RELAX NG schema from the Atom RFC. */ } protected function add_child($element_type, $element_name) { // @todo check if element_type is of Atom_Base; this can also be done with no magic $element = new $element_type($element_name, $this->dom); $this->children[$element_name][] = $element; return end($this->children[$element_name]); } protected function add_children_to_base_element() { foreach ($this->children as $element_type => $elements) { $base_element = $this->element; foreach ($elements as $id => $element) { $base_element->appendChild($element->get_element()); } } } }