module == "exif") { $data->messages["warn"][] = t("The EXIF_GPS module requires the EXIF module."); } } static function module_change($changes) { // If EXIF is deactivated, display a warning that it is required for this module to function properly. if (!module::is_active("exif") || in_array("exif", $changes->deactivate)) { site_status::warning( t("The EXIF_GPS module requires the EXIF module. " . "Activate the EXIF module now", array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/modules")))), "exif_gps_needs_exif"); } else { site_status::clear("exif_gps_needs_exif"); } } static function item_created($item) { // Whenever a new non-album item is created, check it for GPS coordinates. if (!$item->is_album()) { exif_gps::extract($item); } } static function item_deleted($item) { // Whenever an item is deleted, delete any corresponding GPS coordinates. db::build() ->delete("exif_coordinates") ->where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->execute(); } static function item_edit_form($item, $form) { // Allow users to set / edit the GPS coordinates associated with the current item. $record = ORM::factory("exif_coordinate")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->find(); $gpsdata = $form->edit_item->group("gps_data")->label("GPS Data"); if ($record->loaded()) { $gpsdata->input("latitude")->label(t("Latitude")) ->value($record->latitude); $gpsdata->input("longitude")->label(t("Longitude")) ->value($record->longitude); } else { $gpsdata->input("latitude")->label(t("Latitude")); $gpsdata->input("longitude")->label(t("Longitude")); } } static function item_edit_form_completed($item, $form) { // Update the db records with the user-specified coordinates. // Require a set of coordinates (both latitude and longitude). // If one or both fields are blank, completely delete any coordinates associated with this item. if (($form->edit_item->gps_data->latitude->value == "") || ($form->edit_item->gps_data->longitude->value == "")) { db::build() ->delete("exif_coordinates") ->where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->execute(); } else { $record = ORM::factory("exif_coordinate")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->find(); if (!$record->loaded()) { $record->item_id = $item->id; } $record->latitude = $form->edit_item->gps_data->latitude->value; $record->longitude = $form->edit_item->gps_data->longitude->value; $record->save(); } } static function admin_menu($menu, $theme) { // Add a link to the EXIF_GPS admin page to the Settings menu. $menu->get("settings_menu") ->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps") ->label(t("EXIF_GPS Settings")) ->url(url::site("admin/exif_gps"))); } static function photo_menu($menu, $theme) { // Adds album and user map icons to photo pages. // Do not display icons if the user can't view the page. if ((module::get_var("exif_gps", "restrict_maps") == true) && (identity::active_user()->guest)) { return; } $album_id = ""; $item = $theme->item; if ($item->is_album()) { $album_id = $item->id; } else { $album_id = $item->parent_id; } $curr_user = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $item->owner_id)->find_all(); $user_name = $curr_user[0]->full_name; // Make sure there are actually map-able items to display. $album_items_count = ORM::factory("item", $album_id) ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->descendants_count(); $user_items_count = ORM::factory("item") ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->where("items.owner_id", "=", $item->owner_id) ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->count_all(); if (($album_items_count > 0) && (module::get_var("exif_gps", "toolbar_map_album") == true)) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps_album") ->label(t("Map this album")) ->url(url::site("exif_gps/map/album/" . $album_id)) ->css_id("g-exif-gps-album-link")); } if (($user_items_count > 0) && (module::get_var("exif_gps", "toolbar_map_user") == true)) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps_user") ->label(t("Map ") . $user_name . t("'s photos")) ->url(url::site("exif_gps/map/user/" . $item->owner_id)) ->css_id("g-exif-gps-user-link")); } } static function movie_menu($menu, $theme) { // Adds album and user map icons to movie pages. // Do not display icons if the user can't view the page. if ((module::get_var("exif_gps", "restrict_maps") == true) && (identity::active_user()->guest)) { return; } $album_id = ""; $item = $theme->item; if ($item->is_album()) { $album_id = $item->id; } else { $album_id = $item->parent_id; } $curr_user = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $item->owner_id)->find_all(); $user_name = $curr_user[0]->full_name; // Make sure there are actually map-able items to display. $album_items_count = ORM::factory("item", $album_id) ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->descendants_count(); $user_items_count = ORM::factory("item") ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->where("items.owner_id", "=", $item->owner_id) ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->count_all(); if (($album_items_count > 0) && (module::get_var("exif_gps", "toolbar_map_album") == true)) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps_album") ->label(t("Map this album")) ->url(url::site("exif_gps/map/album/" . $album_id)) ->css_id("g-exif-gps-album-link")); } if (($user_items_count > 0) && (module::get_var("exif_gps", "toolbar_map_user") == true)) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps_user") ->label(t("Map ") . $user_name . t("'s photos")) ->url(url::site("exif_gps/map/user/" . $item->owner_id)) ->css_id("g-exif-gps-user-link")); } } static function album_menu($menu, $theme) { // Adds album and user map icons to album pages. // Do not display icons if the user can't view the page. if ((module::get_var("exif_gps", "restrict_maps") == true) && (identity::active_user()->guest)) { return; } $album_id = ""; $item = $theme->item; if ($item->is_album()) { $album_id = $item->id; } else { $album_id = $item->parent_id; } $curr_user = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", "=", $item->owner_id)->find_all(); $user_name = $curr_user[0]->full_name; // Make sure there are actually map-able items to display. $album_items_count = ORM::factory("item", $album_id) ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->descendants_count(); $user_items_count = ORM::factory("item") ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->where("items.owner_id", "=", $item->owner_id) ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->count_all(); if (($album_items_count > 0) && (module::get_var("exif_gps", "toolbar_map_album") == true)) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps_album") ->label(t("Map this album")) ->url(url::site("exif_gps/map/album/" . $album_id)) ->css_id("g-exif-gps-album-link")); } if (($user_items_count > 0) && (module::get_var("exif_gps", "toolbar_map_user") == true)) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("exif_gps_user") ->label(t("Map ") . $user_name . t("'s photos")) ->url(url::site("exif_gps/map/user/" . $item->owner_id)) ->css_id("g-exif-gps-user-link")); } } static function show_user_profile($data) { // Display a map on the user profile pages. // Make sure the user can view maps before displaying one. if ((module::get_var("exif_gps", "restrict_maps") == true) && (identity::active_user()->guest)) { return; } // If there's nothing to map, hide the map. $items_count = ORM::factory("item") ->join("exif_coordinates", "", "exif_coordinates.item_id") ->where("items.owner_id", "=", $data->user->id) ->viewable() ->order_by("exif_coordinates.latitude", "ASC") ->count_all(); if ($items_count == 0) { return; } // Display the map block. $v = new View("user_profile_exif_gps.html"); $int_map_type = module::get_var("exif_gps", "largemap_maptype"); if ($int_map_type == 0) $map_type = "ROADMAP"; if ($int_map_type == 1) $map_type = "SATELLITE"; if ($int_map_type == 2) $map_type = "HYBRID"; if ($int_map_type == 3) $map_type = "TERRAIN"; $v->map_type = $map_type; $v->user_id = $data->user->id; $v->items_count = $items_count; $v->google_map_key = module::get_var("exif_gps", "googlemap_api_key"); $data->content[] = (object) array("title" => t("Photo Map"), "view" => $v); } }