loaded()) { throw new Kohana_404_Exception(); } // Grab the first 10 items for the specified display time. // Default to "popular" if display type is invalid. $template = new View("latestupdates_user_profile_carousel.html"); if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $template->items = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->find_all(10); $template->str_view_more_title = t("View all recent uploads"); } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $template->items = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->find_all(10); $template->str_view_more_title = t("View all recent albums"); } else { $template->items = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by("view_count", "DESC") ->find_all(10); $template->str_view_more_title = t("View more popular uploads"); } $template->str_view_more_url = url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}"); // Display the page. print $template; return ; } public function users($str_display_type, $user_id) { // Generate a dynamic page with items uploaded by a specific user ($user_id). // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}"); } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = 0; if ($str_display_type == "albums") { $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->count_all(); } else { $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->count_all(); } // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $children = ""; if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $children = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset); } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $children = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset); } else { $children = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by("view_count", "DESC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset); } // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up and display the actual page. $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "LatestUpdates"); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Latest Updates"); $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("children", $children); $template->set_global("children_count", $count); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Latest Updates"); print $template; } public function albums($id) { // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}"); } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = $item ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->descendants_count(); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $children = $item ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->descendants($page_size, $offset); // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up and display the actual page. $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "LatestUpdates"); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Latest Updates"); $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("children", $children); $template->set_global("children_count", $count); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Latest Updates"); print $template; } public function updates() { // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/updates"); } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->find_all() ->count(); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("latestupdates/updates?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $items = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->find_all($page_size, $offset); // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/updates?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/updates?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up and display the actual page. $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "LatestUpdates"); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Latest Updates"); $template->set_global("page", $page); $template->set_global("page_size", $page_size); $template->set_global("max_pages", $max_pages); $template->set_global("children", $items); $template->set_global("children_count", $count); $template->content = new View ("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Latest Updates"); print $template; } }