/** * A simple querystring parser. * Example usage: var q = $.parseQuery(); q.fooreturns "bar" if query contains "?foo=bar"; multiple values are added to an array. * Values are unescaped by default and plus signs replaced with spaces, or an alternate processing function can be passed in the params object . * http://actingthemaggot.com/jquery * * Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Manning (http://actingthemaggot.com) * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. **/ jQuery.parseQuery = function(qs,options) { var q = (typeof qs === 'string'?qs:window.location.search), o = {'f':function(v){return unescape(v).replace(/\+/g,' ');}}, options = (typeof qs === 'object' && typeof options === 'undefined')?qs:options, o = jQuery.extend({}, o, options), params = {}; jQuery.each(q.match(/^\??(.*)$/)[1].split('&'),function(i,p){ p = p.split('='); p[1] = o.f(p[1]); params[p[0]] = params[p[0]]?((params[p[0]] instanceof Array)?(params[p[0]].push(p[1]),params[p[0]]):[params[p[0]],p[1]]):p[1]; }); return params; }