installed = false; $dcraw->error = t("The dcraw tool could not be located on your system."); } else { if (@is_file($path) && preg_match('/^Raw [Pp]hoto [Dd]ecoder(?: "dcraw")? v(\S+)$/m', shell_exec($path), $matches)) { $dcraw->installed = true; $dcraw->path = $path; $dcraw->version = $matches[1]; } else { $dcraw->installed = false; $dcraw->error = t("The dcraw tool is installed, but PHP's open_basedir restriction " . "prevents Gallery from using it."); } } return $dcraw; } static function get_supported_toolkits() { return array("imagemagick" => "ImageMagick", "graphicsmagick" => "GraphicsMagick"); } static function report_ppm_support($toolkit_id) { if (array_key_exists($toolkit_id, rawphoto_graphics::get_supported_toolkits())) { site_status::clear("rawphoto_needs_ppm_support"); } else { site_status::warning( t('The Raw Photos module requires a supporting graphics toolkit. ' . 'Activate either ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick.', array("activate_url" => url::site("admin/graphics"))), "rawphoto_needs_ppm_support"); } } static function convert($input_file, $output_file) { $success = false; $dcraw = rawphoto_graphics::detect_dcraw(); if ($dcraw->installed) { // Use dcraw to convert from a raw image to a standard pixmap. $cmd = escapeshellcmd($dcraw->path) . " -c -w -W -t 0 "; $icc_path = module::get_var("rawphoto", "icc_path"); if (!empty($icc_path)) { $cmd .= "-p " . escapeshellarg($icc_path) . " "; } $cmd .= escapeshellarg($input_file); // Then use the graphics toolkit to convert the stream to a JPEG. $cmd .= " | "; $toolkit_id = module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit"); $toolkit_path = module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"); $image_quality = module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality"); $toolkit_compat = false; switch ($toolkit_id) { case 'imagemagick': $cmd .= escapeshellcmd("$toolkit_path/convert"); $cmd .= " -quality " . escapeshellarg($image_quality . "%"); $cmd .= " - " . escapeshellarg($output_file); $toolkit_compat = true; break; case 'graphicsmagick': $cmd .= escapeshellcmd("$toolkit_path/gm"); $cmd .= " convert -quality " . escapeshellarg($image_quality . "%"); $cmd .= " - " . escapeshellarg($output_file); $toolkit_compat = true; break; default: log::warning("rawphoto", "Cannot convert raw photo with graphics toolkit: " . $toolkit_id->active); } if ($toolkit_compat) { exec($cmd, $output, $return_var); // Failure is common, because dcraw will abort unless the original image is a raw photo. $success = ($return_var == 0); } } if (!$success) { // Make sure the unmodified output file exists where it's expected to be. copy($input_file, $output_file); } } }