item; $metaTags = ""; if (count($tags) > 0) { for ($counter=0; $countername) . ","; } else { $metaTags = $metaTags . html::clean($tags[$counter]->name); } } } // If $metaTags is empty, use the item's title instead. if ($metaTags == "") { $metaTags = html::clean($item->title); } $metaDescription = ""; $metaDescription = trim(nl2br(html::purify($item->description))); // If description is empty, use title instead. if ($metaDescription == "") { $metaDescription = html::clean($item->title); } // If this page belongs to a tag, use the description of the first item instead. if ($theme->tag()) { if (count($children) > 0) { $metaDescription = trim(nl2br(html::purify($children[0]->description))); } } // If it's still empty, use $metaTags. if ($metaDescription == "") { $metaDescription = $metaTags; } // Strip HTML $metaDescription = strip_tags($metaDescription); // Strip Line Breaks $metaDescription = str_replace("\n", " ", $metaDescription); // Limit Description to 150 characters. $metaDescription = substr($metaDescription, 0,150); ?>