loaded()) { throw new Kohana_404_Exception(); } // Grab the first 10 items for the specified display type. // Default to "popular" if display type is invalid. $template = new View("latestupdates_user_profile_carousel.html"); $template->items = latestupdates_Controller::items($str_display_type, $user_id, 10); // Figure out the text for the "View more" link. if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $template->str_view_more_title = t("View all recent uploads"); } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $template->str_view_more_title = t("View all recent albums"); } else { $template->str_view_more_title = t("View more popular uploads"); } // Set up a "View more" url. $template->str_view_more_url = url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}"); // Display the page. print $template; // Make item links in the carousel load as virtual albums for the view type instead of the regular album. item::set_display_context_callback("latestupdates_Controller::get_display_context", $str_display_type, $user_id); return ; } public function users($str_display_type, $user_id) { // Generate a dynamic page with items uploaded by a specific user ($user_id). // Make sure user_id is valid. $current_user = ORM::factory("user", $user_id); if (!$current_user->loaded()) { throw new Kohana_404_Exception(); } // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}"); } // If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id. $show = Input::instance()->get("show"); if ($show) { $child = ORM::factory("item", $show); $index = latestupdates_Controller::_get_position($child, $str_display_type, $user_id); if ($index) { $page = ceil($index / $page_size); if ($page == 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}"); } else { url::redirect("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page=$page"); } } } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = latestupdates_Controller::items_count($str_display_type, $user_id); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $children = latestupdates_Controller::items($str_display_type, $user_id, $page_size, $offset); // Figure out the page title. $str_page_title = ""; if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $str_page_title = t("Recent Uploads"); } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $str_page_title = t("Recent Albums"); } else { $str_page_title = t("Most Viewed"); } // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up and display the actual page. $root = item::root(); $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "LatestUpdates"); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Latest Updates"); $template->set_global( array("page" => $page, "max_pages" => $max_pages, "page_size" => $page_size, "children" => $children, "breadcrumbs" => array( Breadcrumb::instance($root->title, $root->url())->set_first(), Breadcrumb::instance(t("User profile: %name", array("name" => $current_user->display_name())), url::site("user_profile/show/{$user_id}")), Breadcrumb::instance($str_page_title, url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}"))->set_last()), "children_count" => $count)); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = $str_page_title; // Display the page. print $template; // Set up the callback so links within the photo page will lead to photos within the virtual album // instead of the actual album. item::set_display_context_callback("latestupdates_Controller::get_display_context", $str_display_type, $user_id); } public function albums($id) { // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // Load the parent album. $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}"); } // If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id. $show = Input::instance()->get("show"); if ($show) { $child = ORM::factory("item", $show); $index = latestupdates_Controller::_get_position($child, "descendants", $item->id); if ($index) { $page = ceil($index / $page_size); if ($page == 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}"); } else { url::redirect("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page=$page"); } } } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = latestupdates_Controller::items_count("descendants", $item->id); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $children = latestupdates_Controller::items("descendants", $item->id, $page_size, $offset); // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up breadcrumbs. $breadcrumbs = array(); $counter = 0; $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(t("Recent Uploads"), url::site("latestupdates/albums/{$item->id}"))->set_last(); $parent_item = $item; while ($parent_item->id != 1) { $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first(); $breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs, true); // Set up and display the actual page. $root = item::root(); $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "LatestUpdates"); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Latest Updates"); $template->set_global( array("page" => $page, "max_pages" => $max_pages, "page_size" => $page_size, "children" => $children, "breadcrumbs" => $breadcrumbs, "children_count" => $count)); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Recent Uploads"); // Display the page. print $template; // Set up the callback so links within the photo page will lead to photos within the virtual album // instead of the actual album. item::set_display_context_callback("latestupdates_Controller::get_display_context", "descendants", $item->id); } public function updates() { // Figure out how many items to display on each page. $page_size = module::get_var("gallery", "page_size", 9); // Figure out which page # the visitor is on and // don't allow the visitor to go below page 1. $page = Input::instance()->get("page", 1); if ($page < 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/updates"); } // If this page was reached from a breadcrumb, figure out what page to load from the show id. $show = Input::instance()->get("show"); if ($show) { $child = ORM::factory("item", $show); $index = latestupdates_Controller::_get_position($child, "recent", 0); if ($index) { $page = ceil($index / $page_size); if ($page == 1) { url::redirect("latestupdates/updates"); } else { url::redirect("latestupdates/updates?page=$page"); } } } // First item to display. $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; // Determine the total number of items, // for page numbering purposes. $count = latestupdates_Controller::items_count("recent", 0); // Figure out what the highest page number is. $max_pages = ceil($count / $page_size); // Don't let the visitor go past the last page. if ($max_pages && $page > $max_pages) { url::redirect("latestupdates/updates?page=$max_pages"); } // Figure out which items to display on this page. $items = latestupdates_Controller::items("recent", 0, $page_size, $offset); // Set up the previous and next page buttons. if ($page > 1) { $previous_page = $page - 1; $view->previous_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/updates?page={$previous_page}"); } if ($page < $max_pages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $view->next_page_link = url::site("latestupdates/updates?page={$next_page}"); } // Set up and display the actual page. $root = item::root(); $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "collection", "LatestUpdates"); $template->page_title = t("Gallery :: Latest Updates"); $template->set_global( array("page" => $page, "max_pages" => $max_pages, "page_size" => $page_size, "children" => $items, "breadcrumbs" => array( Breadcrumb::instance($root->title, $root->url())->set_first(), Breadcrumb::instance(t("Recent Uploads"), url::site("latestupdates/updates"))->set_last()), "children_count" => $count)); $template->content = new View("dynamic.html"); $template->content->title = t("Recent Uploads"); // Display the page. print $template; // Set up the callback so links within the photo page will lead to photos within the virtual album // instead of the actual album. item::set_display_context_callback("latestupdates_Controller::get_display_context", "recent", 0); } static function get_display_context($item, $str_display_type, $user_id) { // Set up display elements on the photo page to link to the virtual album. // Valid $str_display_type values are popular, recent, albums and descendants. // $user_id can be set to "0" to search site wide. // For "descendants", $user_id should be the album id #. // Figure out page title. $str_page_title = ""; if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $str_page_title = t("Recent Uploads"); } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $str_page_title = t("Recent Albums"); } elseif ($str_display_type == "descendants") { $str_page_title = t("Recent Uploads"); } else { $str_page_title = t("Most Viewed"); } // Figure out item position. $position = latestupdates_Controller::_get_position($item, $str_display_type, $user_id); // Figure out which items are the previous and next items with the virtual album. if ($position > 1) { list ($previous_item, $ignore, $next_item) = latestupdates_Controller::items($str_display_type, $user_id, 3, $position - 2); } else { $previous_item = null; list ($next_item) = latestupdates_Controller::items($str_display_type, $user_id, 1, $position); } // Figure out total number of items (excluding albums). $count = latestupdates_Controller::items_count($str_display_type, $user_id); // Set up breadcrumbs. $root = item::root(); $breadcrumbs = array(); if ($user_id == 0) { $breadcrumbs[0] = Breadcrumb::instance($root->title, $root->url())->set_first(); $breadcrumbs[1] = Breadcrumb::instance($str_page_title, url::site("latestupdates/updates?show={$item->id}")); $breadcrumbs[2] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last(); } else { if ($str_display_type == "descendants") { $counter = 0; $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last(); $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance(t("Recent Uploads"), url::site("latestupdates/albums/{$user_id}?show={$item->id}")); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $user_id); while ($parent_item->id != 1) { $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url()); $parent_item = ORM::factory("item", $parent_item->parent_id); } $breadcrumbs[] = Breadcrumb::instance($parent_item->title, $parent_item->url())->set_first(); $breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs, true); } else { $current_user = ORM::factory("user", $user_id); $breadcrumbs[0] = Breadcrumb::instance($root->title, $root->url())->set_first(); $breadcrumbs[1] = Breadcrumb::instance(t("User profile: %name", array("name" => $current_user->display_name())), url::site("user_profile/show/{$user_id}")); $breadcrumbs[2] = Breadcrumb::instance($str_page_title, url::site("latestupdates/users/{$str_display_type}/{$user_id}?show={$item->id}")); $breadcrumbs[3] = Breadcrumb::instance($item->title, $item->url())->set_last(); } } // Return the display elements. return array("position" => $position, "previous_item" => $previous_item, "next_item" => $next_item, "sibling_count" => $count, "siblings_callback" => array("latestupdates_Controller::items", array($str_display_type, $user_id)), "breadcrumbs" => $breadcrumbs ); } static function items_count($str_display_type, $user_id) { // Figure out the total number of items. // Valid $str_display_type values are popular, recent, albums and descendants. // $user_id can be set to "0" to search site wide. // For "descendants", $user_id should be the album id #. // If $str_display_type is albums, then we only want albums. // If it's not, then we want everything except albums. if ($str_display_type == "albums") { // This is only used for user profiles, so we always want // results from a specific user. $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->count_all(); } else { // If $user_id is not 0 we only want results from a specific user, // Or else we want results from any user. if ($user_id == 0) { $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->count_all(); } else { // If type is descendants, then user_id is actually an item id#. if ($str_display_type == "descendants") { $item = ORM::factory("item", $user_id); $count = $item ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->descendants_count(); } else { $count = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->count_all(); } } } return $count; } static function items($str_display_type, $user_id, $limit=null, $offset=null) { // Query the database for a list of items to display in the virtual album. // Valid $str_display_type values are popular, recent, albums and descendants. // $user_id can be set to "0" to search site wide. // For "descendants", $user_id should be the album id #. // Figure out search parameters based on $str_display_type. $str_where = array(); $str_orderby_field = ""; if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $str_where = array(array("type", "!=", "album")); $str_orderby_field = "created"; } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $str_where = array(array("type", "=", "album")); $str_orderby_field = "created"; } else { $str_where = array(array("type", "!=", "album")); $str_orderby_field = "view_count"; } // Search the database for matching items. // Searching for descendants of a parent album is significantly // different from the other query types, so we're doing this one // seperately. if ($str_display_type == "descendants") { $item = ORM::factory("item", $user_id); return $item ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->descendants($limit, $offset); } // If $user_id is greater then 0, limit results // to a specific user. if ($user_id == 0) { return ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->merge_where($str_where) ->order_by($str_orderby_field, "DESC") ->find_all($limit, $offset); } else { return ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->merge_where($str_where) ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->order_by($str_orderby_field, "DESC") ->find_all($limit, $offset); } } private function _get_position($item, $str_display_type, $user_id) { // Figure out the item's position within the virtual album. // Valid $str_display_type values are popular, recent, albums and descendants. // $user_id can be set to "0" to search site wide. // For "descendants", $user_id should be the album id #. // Figure out search conditions. $str_where = array(); $str_orderby_field = ""; if ($str_display_type == "recent") { $str_where = array(array("type", "!=", "album")); $str_orderby_field = "created"; } elseif ($str_display_type == "albums") { $str_where = array(array("type", "=", "album")); $str_orderby_field = "created"; } else { $str_where = array(array("type", "!=", "album")); $str_orderby_field = "view_count"; } // Count the number of records that have a higher orderby_field value then // the item we're looking for. $position = 0; if ($user_id == 0) { $position = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->merge_where($str_where) ->where($str_orderby_field, ">", $item->$str_orderby_field) ->order_by($str_orderby_field, "DESC") ->count_all(); } else { if ($str_display_type == "descendants") { $album_item = ORM::factory("item", $user_id); $position = $album_item ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("created", ">", $item->created) ->order_by("created", "DESC") ->descendants_count(); } else { $position = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->merge_where($str_where) ->where($str_orderby_field, ">", $item->$str_orderby_field) ->order_by($str_orderby_field, "DESC") ->count_all(); } } // Set up a db query for all records with the same orderby field value // as the item we're looking for. $items = ORM::factory("item"); if ($user_id == 0) { $items->viewable() ->merge_where($str_where) ->where($str_orderby_field, "=", $item->$str_orderby_field) ->order_by($str_orderby_field, "DESC"); } else { if ($str_display_type == "descendants") { $item_album = ORM::factory("item", $user_id); $items = $item_album ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("created", "=", $item->created) ->order_by("created", "DESC"); } else { $items->viewable() ->where("owner_id", "=", $user_id) ->merge_where($str_where) ->where($str_orderby_field, "=", $item->$str_orderby_field) ->order_by($str_orderby_field, "DESC"); } } // Loop through each remaining match, increasing position by 1 each time // until we find a match. if ($str_display_type == "descendants") { foreach ($items->descendants() as $row) { $position++; if ($row->id == $item->id) { break; } } } else { foreach ($items->find_all() as $row) { $position++; if ($row->id == $item->id) { break; } } } // Return the result. return $position; } }