open($zipfile) === true) { Session::instance()->set("theme_extract_path", $extract_path); $zip->extractTo($extract_path); $zip->close(); return $extract_path; } } else if (extension_loaded("zlib")) { require_once(MODPATH . "themeroller/libraries/pclzip.lib.php"); $archive = new PclZip($zipfile); $list = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $extract_path); if (!empty($list)) { Session::instance()->set("theme_extract_path", $extract_path); return $extract_path; } } return false; } static function recursive_directory_delete($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $objects = scandir($path); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object[0] != ".") { $object_path = "$path/$object"; if (filetype($object_path) == "dir") { self::recursive_directory_delete($object_path); } else { unlink($object_path); } } } } } static function get_theme_name($extract_path) { $theme_name = null; if ($handle = opendir($extract_path . "/css")) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file[0] !== ".") { $theme_name = basename($file); break; } } if (empty($theme_name)) { Kohana_Log::add("error", "zip file: no theme name"); $post->add_error($field, "invalid zipfile"); } closedir($handle); } return $theme_name; } static function get_theme_parameters($original_name, $css_path, $is_admin) { $parameters = array(); $css_files = glob("$css_path/css/$original_name/jquery*.css"); $css_contents = file_get_contents($css_files[0]); $parameters["colors"] = $parameters["icons"] = array(); if (preg_match("/[?|&](.*)/", $css_contents, $matches)) { if (preg_match_all("/&{0,1}(\w+)=([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\%\.,]*)/", $matches[1], $colors, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($colors as $color) { $parameters["colors"][$color[1]] = $color[2]; if (strpos($color[1], "icon") === 0) { $parameters["icons"][] = $color[2]; } } } } if (empty($parameters["colors"]["bgColorOverlay"])) { $parameters["colors"]["bgColorOverlay"] = $parameters["colors"]["bgColorDefault"]; /* @todo go find the .ui-widget-overlay { background: #aaaaaa */ } // The jquery themeroller has no warning style so lets generate the appropriate colors. // We'll do this by averaging the color components of highlight and error colors foreach (array("borderColor", "fc", "bgColor", "iconColor") as $type) { $highlight = self::_rgb(hexdec($parameters["colors"]["{$type}Highlight"])); $error = self::_rgb(hexdec($parameters["colors"]["{$type}Error"])); $warning = 0; foreach (array("red", "green", "blue") as $color) { $warning = ($warning << 8) | (int)floor(($highlight[$color] + $error[$color]) / 2); } $parameters["colors"]["{$type}Warning"] = dechex($warning); if ($type == "iconColor") { $parameters["icons"][] = $parameters["colors"]["{$type}Warning"]; } } $parameters["js"] = $is_admin ? glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/js/admin_*.js") : glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/js/site_*.js"); $parameters["standard_css"] = glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/css/*.css"); $parameters["masks"] = glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/masks/images/*.png"); $parameters["icon_mask"] = MODPATH . "themeroller/data/masks/css/themeroller/ui-icons_mask_256x240.png"; $parameters["views"] = $is_admin ? glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/admin_views/*.html.php") : glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/views/*.html.php"); $parameters["css_files"] = $css_files; $parameters["images"] = glob("$css_path/development-bundle/themes/$original_name/images/ui-bg*.png"); $thumb_dir = $is_admin ? "admin_thumbnail" : "site_thumbnail"; $parameters["thumbnail"] = MODPATH . "themeroller/data/masks/$thumb_dir/thumbnail.png"; $parts = glob(MODPATH . "themeroller/data/masks/$thumb_dir/thumbnail_*.png"); $parameters["thumbnail_parts"] = array(); foreach ($parts as $thumb_file) { if (preg_match("/thumbnail_(.*)\.png$/", $thumb_file, $matches)) { $parameters["thumbnail_parts"][] = array("file" => $thumb_file, "color" => $parameters["colors"][$matches[1]]); } } return $parameters; } static function generate_image($mask_file, $output, $color) { $mask = imagecreatefrompng($mask_file); $image = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($mask), imagesy($mask)); $icon_color = self::_rgb(hexdec($color)); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $icon_color['red'], $icon_color['green'], $icon_color['blue'], 127); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $transparent); for ($y=0; $y < imagesy($mask); $y++) { for ($x=0; $x < imagesx($mask); $x++) { $pixel_color = imagecolorsforindex($mask, imagecolorat($mask, $x, $y)); $mask_color = self::_grayscale_pixel($pixel_color); $mask_alpha = 127 - floor($mask_color["red"] * 127 / 256); $new_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $icon_color['red'], $icon_color['green'], $icon_color['blue'], $mask_alpha); imagesetpixel($image, $x, $y, $new_color); } } imagesavealpha($image, true); imagealphablending($image, false); imagepng($image, $output); imagedestroy($image); imagedestroy($mask); } static function generate_thumbnail($base, $parts, $target) { $image = imagecreatefrompng($base); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $transparent); $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); foreach ($parts as $thumb_part) { $color = self::_rgb(hexdec($thumb_part["color"])); $image_part = imagecreatefrompng($thumb_part["file"]); for ($y=0; $y < imagesy($image_part); $y++) { for ($x=0; $x < imagesx($image_part); $x++) { $pixel_color = imagecolorsforindex($image_part, imagecolorat($image_part, $x, $y)); $new_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $pixel_color["alpha"]); imagesetpixel($image, $x, $y, $new_color); } } imagedestroy($image_part); } imagesavealpha($image, true); imagealphablending($image, false); imagepng($image, $target); imagedestroy($image); } private static function _rgb($color) { $r = ($color >> 16) & 0xff; $g = ($color >> 8) & 0xff; $b = $color & 0xff; return array("red" => $r, "green" => $g, "blue" => $b, "alpha" => 0); } private static function _grayscale_pixel($color) { $gray = round(($color['red'] * 0.299) + ($color['green'] * 0.587) + ($color['blue'] * 0.114)); return array("red" => $gray, "green" => $gray, "blue" => $gray, "alpha" => 0); } }