t("Display Tags")); } static function get($block_id, $theme) { $block = ""; // Make sure the current page belongs to an item. if (!$theme->item()) { return; } switch ($block_id) { case "display_tags": // Create an array of all the tags for the current item. $tagsItem = ORM::factory("tag") ->join("items_tags", "tags.id", "items_tags.tag_id") ->where("items_tags.item_id", $theme->item->id) ->find_all(); // If the current item has at least one tag, display it/them. if (count($tagsItem) > 0) { $block = new Block(); $block->css_id = "g-display-tags"; $block->title = t("Tags"); $block->content = new View("displaytags_block.html"); $block->content->tags = $tagsItem; } break; } return $block; } }