$child->id, 'title' => $child->title, 'type' => $child->type, 'thumb' => $child->thumb_url(), 'resize' => $child->resize_url(), 'sort' => $child->sort_column); } private function child_elements($item_id, $where = array()) { $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); access::required("view", $item); $children = $item->children(null, null, $where); $encoded = array(); foreach ($children as $id => $child){ $encoded[$id] = self::child_json_encode($child); } return json_encode($encoded); } function is_admin() { if (user::active()->admin) { print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "csrf" => access::csrf_token())); return; } print json_encode(array("result" => "failure")); } function albums($item_id) { print $this->child_elements($item_id,array("type" => "album")); } function children($item_id){ print $this->child_elements($item_id); } function item($item_id){ $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); access::required("view", $item); print json_encode(self::child_json_encode($item)); } function move_to($target_album_id) { access::verify_csrf(); $target_album = ORM::factory("item", $target_album_id); $js = json_decode($_REQUEST["sourceids"]); $i = 0; foreach ($js as $source_id) { $source = ORM::factory("item", $source_id); if (!$source->contains($target_album)) { item::move($source, $target_album); } $i++; } print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); } function rearrange($target_id, $before_or_after) { access::verify_csrf(); $target = ORM::factory("item", $target_id); $album = $target->parent(); access::required("view", $album); access::required("edit", $album); $source_ids = json_decode($_REQUEST["sourceids"]); if ($album->sort_column != "weight") { $i = 0; foreach ($album->children() as $child) { // Do this directly in the database to avoid sending notifications db::build() ->update("items") ->set("weight", ++$i) ->where("id", "=", $child->id) ->execute(); } $album->sort_column = "weight"; $album->sort_order = "ASC"; $album->save(); $target->reload(); } // Find the insertion point $target_weight = $target->weight; if ($before_or_after == "after") { $target_weight++; } // Make a hole $count = count($source_ids); db::build() ->update("items") ->set("weight", new Database_Expression("`weight` + $count")) ->where("weight", ">=", $target_weight) ->where("parent_id", "=", $album->id) ->execute(); // Insert source items into the hole foreach ($source_ids as $source_id) { db::build() ->update("items") ->set("weight", $target_weight++) ->where("id", "=", $source_id) ->execute(); } module::event("album_rearrange", $album); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); } public function start() { batch::start(); } public function add_photo($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $album = ORM::factory("item", $id); access::required("view", $album); access::required("add", $album); try { $name = $_REQUEST["filename"]; $body = @file_get_contents('php://input'); //$stream = http_get_request_body(); $directory = Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE); // Make sure the directory ends with a slash $directory = str_replace('\\','/',$directory); $directory = rtrim($directory, '/').'/'; if ( ! is_dir($directory) AND Kohana::config('upload.create_directories') === TRUE) { // Create the upload directory mkdir($directory, 0777, TRUE); } if ( ! is_writable($directory)) throw new Kohana_Exception('upload.not_writable', $directory); $temp_filename = $directory.$name; $file = fopen($temp_filename,'w'); fwrite($file,$body); fclose($file); $title = item::convert_filename_to_title($name); $path_info = @pathinfo($temp_filename); if (array_key_exists("extension", $path_info) && in_array(strtolower($path_info["extension"]), array("flv", "mp4"))) { $item = movie::create($album, $temp_filename, $name, $title); log::success("content", t("Added a movie"), html::anchor("movies/$item->id", t("view movie"))); } else { $item = photo::create($album, $temp_filename, $name, $title); log::success("content", t("Added a photo"), html::anchor("photos/$item->id", t("view photo"))); } } catch (Exception $e) { Kohana::log("alert", $e->__toString()); if (file_exists($temp_filename)) { unlink($temp_filename); } header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); print "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage(); return; } unlink($temp_filename); print json_encode(self::child_json_encode($item)); } public function make_album_cover($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $item = model_cache::get("item", $id); access::required("view", $item); access::required("view", $item->parent()); access::required("edit", $item->parent()); item::make_album_cover($item); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); } public function rotate($id, $dir) { access::verify_csrf(); $item = model_cache::get("item", $id); access::required("view", $item); access::required("edit", $item); $degrees = 0; switch($dir) { case "ccw": $degrees = -90; break; case "cw": $degrees = 90; break; } if ($degrees) { graphics::rotate($item->file_path(), $item->file_path(), array("degrees" => $degrees)); list($item->width, $item->height) = getimagesize($item->file_path()); $item->resize_dirty= 1; $item->thumb_dirty= 1; $item->save(); graphics::generate($item); $parent = $item->parent(); if ($parent->album_cover_item_id == $item->id) { copy($item->thumb_path(), $parent->thumb_path()); $parent->thumb_width = $item->thumb_width; $parent->thumb_height = $item->thumb_height; $parent->save(); } } print json_encode(self::child_json_encode($item)); } }