set_global("item_id", $id); $template->set_global("page_title", t("Draw Faces")); $template->set_global("page_type", "photoface"); $template->content = new View("drawfaces.html"); $template->content->title = t("Tag Faces"); $template->content->form = $this->_get_faces_form($id); $template->content->delete_form = $this->_get_delfaces_form($id); // Display the page. print $template; } public function delface() { // Delete the specified face data from the photo. // Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery access::verify_csrf(); // Convert submitted data to local variables. $tag_data = Input::instance()->post("facesList"); $item_data = Input::instance()->post("item_id"); // If the user didn't select a tag, display and error and abort. if (count($tag_data) == 0) { message::error(t("Please select a tag.")); url::redirect("tagfaces/drawfaces/$item_data"); return; } // Delete the face(s) from the database. foreach ($tag_data as $one_tag) { ORM::factory("items_face") ->where("id", $one_tag) ->delete_all(); } // Display a success message. if (count($tag_data) == 1) { message::success(t("One face deleted.")); } else { message::success(count($tag_data) . t(" faces deleted.")); } url::redirect("tagfaces/drawfaces/$item_data"); } public function saveface() { // Save the face coordinates to the specified tag. // Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery access::verify_csrf(); // Convert submitted data to local variables. $tag_data = Input::instance()->post("tagsList"); $str_face_title = str_replace("'", "\'", Input::instance()->post("face_title")); $str_face_description = str_replace("'", "\'", Input::instance()->post("face_description")); $item_data = Input::instance()->post("item_id"); $str_x1 = Input::instance()->post("x"); $str_y1 = Input::instance()->post("y"); $str_x2 = Input::instance()->post("x2"); $str_y2 = Input::instance()->post("y2"); // If the user didn't select a face, display an error and abort. if (($str_x1 == "") || ($str_x2 == "") || ($str_y1 == "") || ($str_y2 == "")) { message::error(t("Please select a face.")); url::redirect("tagfaces/drawfaces/$item_data"); return; } // Decide if we are saving a face or a note. if ($tag_data == -1) { // Make sure there's a title. if ($str_face_title == "") { message::error(t("Please select a Tag or specify a Title.")); url::redirect("tagfaces/drawfaces/$item_data"); return; } // Save a new Note to the database. $newnote = ORM::factory("items_note"); $newnote->item_id = $item_data; $newnote->x1 = $str_x1; $newnote->y1 = $str_y1; $newnote->x2 = $str_x2; $newnote->y2 = $str_y2; $newnote->title = $str_face_title; $newnote->description = $str_face_description; $newnote->save(); } else { // Check to see if the tag already has a face associated with it. $existingFace = ORM::factory("items_face") ->where("tag_id", $tag_data) ->where("item_id", $item_data) ->find_all(); if (count($existingFace) == 0) { // Save the new face to the database. $newface = ORM::factory("items_face"); $newface->tag_id = $tag_data; $newface->item_id = $item_data; $newface->x1 = $str_x1; $newface->y1 = $str_y1; $newface->x2 = $str_x2; $newface->y2 = $str_y2; $newface->description = $str_face_description; $newface->save(); } else { // Update the coordinates of an existing face. $updatedFace = ORM::factory("items_face", $existingFace[0]->id); $updatedFace->x1 = $str_x1; $updatedFace->y1 = $str_y1; $updatedFace->x2 = $str_x2; $updatedFace->y2 = $str_y2; $updatedFace->description = $str_face_description; $updatedFace->save(); } } // Redirect back to the main screen and display a "success" message. message::success(t("Face saved.")); url::redirect("tagfaces/drawfaces/$item_data"); } private function _get_faces_form($id) { // Generate the form that allows the user to select a tag to // save the face too. Also displays the coordinates of the face // and the "Save face" button. // Make a new Form. $form = new Forge("tagfaces/saveface", "", "post", array("id" => "g-tag-faces-form")); // Create an array of all the tags for the current item. $all_tags = ORM::factory("tag") ->join("items_tags", "", "items_tags.tag_id") ->where("items_tags.item_id", $id) ->find_all(); // Generate an array of tags to use as checkboxes. $array_tags = ""; $array_tags[-1] = t("No Tag"); foreach ($all_tags as $oneTag) { $array_tags[$oneTag->id] = $oneTag->name; } // Make a checklist of tags on the form. $tags_group = $form->group("FaceTag") ->label(t("Select a tag or enter in a title:")); $tags_group->dropdown('tagsList') ->label(t("Select a tag:")) ->options($array_tags); $tags_group->input("face_title") ->label(t("Title")); $tags_description = $form->group("TagsDescription") ->label(t("Description (optional):")); $tags_description->input("face_description"); // Generate input boxes to hold the coordinates of the face. $coordinates_group = $form->group("FaceCoordinates") ->label(t("Coordinates:")); $coordinates_group->input("x") ->label(t("X1")); $coordinates_group->input("y") ->label(t("Y1")); $coordinates_group->input("x2") ->label(t("X2")); $coordinates_group->input("y2") ->label(t("Y2")); // Add the id# of the photo and a save button to the form. $form->hidden("item_id")->value($id); $form->submit("SaveFace")->value(t("Save face")); // Return the newly generated form. return $form; } private function _get_delfaces_form($id) { // Generate a form to allow the user to remove face data // from a photo. // Make a new Form. $form = new Forge("tagfaces/delface", "", "post", array("id" => "g-tag-del-faces-form")); // Create an array of all the tags that already have faces. $existing_faces = ORM::factory("items_face") ->where("item_id", $id) ->find_all(); // turn the $existing_faces array into an array that can be used // for a checklist. $array_faces = ""; foreach ($existing_faces as $oneFace) { $array_faces[$oneFace->id] = array(ORM::factory("tag", $oneFace->tag_id)->name, false); } if ($array_faces) { // Add a checklist to the form. $tags_group = $form->group("ExistingFaces") ->label(t("Tags with faces:")); $tags_group->checklist("facesList") ->options($array_faces) ->label(t("Select the tag(s) that correspond(s) to the face(s) you wish to delete:")); } // Add the id# of the photo and a delete button to the form. $form->hidden("item_id")->value($id); $form->submit("DeleteFace")->value(t("Delete face(s)")); // Return the newly generated form. return $form; } }