$name)); if ( ! isset(self::$marks[$name])) { self::$marks[$name] = array(); } $mark = array ( 'start' => microtime(TRUE), 'stop' => FALSE, 'memory_start' => self::memory_usage(), 'memory_stop' => FALSE ); array_unshift(self::$marks[$name], $mark); } /** * Set a benchmark stop point. * * @param string benchmark name * @return void */ public static function stop($name) { if (isset(self::$marks[$name]) AND self::$marks[$name][0]['stop'] === FALSE) { self::$marks[$name][0]['stop'] = microtime(TRUE); self::$marks[$name][0]['memory_stop'] = self::memory_usage(); } } /** * Get the elapsed time between a start and stop. * * @param string benchmark name, TRUE for all * @param integer number of decimal places to count to * @return array */ public static function get($name, $decimals = 4) { if ($name === TRUE) { $times = array(); $names = array_keys(self::$marks); foreach ($names as $name) { // Get each mark recursively $times[$name] = self::get($name, $decimals); } // Return the array return $times; } if ( ! isset(self::$marks[$name])) return FALSE; if (self::$marks[$name][0]['stop'] === FALSE) { // Stop the benchmark to prevent mis-matched results self::stop($name); } // Return a string version of the time between the start and stop points // Properly reading a float requires using number_format or sprintf $time = $memory = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count(self::$marks[$name]); $i++) { $time += self::$marks[$name][$i]['stop'] - self::$marks[$name][$i]['start']; $memory += self::$marks[$name][$i]['memory_stop'] - self::$marks[$name][$i]['memory_start']; } return array ( 'time' => number_format($time, $decimals), 'memory' => $memory, 'count' => count(self::$marks[$name]) ); } /** * Returns the current memory usage. This is only possible if the * memory_get_usage function is supported in PHP. * * @return integer */ private static function memory_usage() { static $func; if ($func === NULL) { // Test if memory usage can be seen $func = function_exists('memory_get_usage'); } return $func ? memory_get_usage() : 0; } } // End Benchmark