$user, "password" => $pass)); return $response; } /** * Construct a new Gallery3 instance associated with a remote resource * @param string remote url * @param string authentication token * @return object Gallery3 */ static function factory($url=null, $token=null) { $obj = new Gallery3(); $obj->token = $token; $obj->url = $url; if ($url && $token) { $obj->load(); } return $obj; } /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->data = new stdClass(); $this->token = null; $this->url = null; } /** * Set a value on the remote resource's entity. You must call save for it to take effect. * * @param string key * @param string value * @return object Gallery3 * @chainable */ public function set($key, $value) { $this->data->entity->$key = $value; return $this; } /** * Replace the members for the remote resource * * @param array members * @return object Gallery3 * @chainable */ public function set_members($members) { $this->data->members = $members; return $this; } /** * Attach a file to the remote resource. * * @param string path to a local file (eg: /tmp/foo.jpg) * @return object Gallery3 */ public function set_file($file) { $this->file = $file; return $this; } /** * Save any local changes made to this resource. If this is an existing resource, we'll return * the resource itself. If we're creating a new resource, return the newly created resource. * * @return object Gallery3 */ public function create($url, $token) { if (!is_string($url)) { throw new Gallery3_Exception("Invalid url: " . var_export($url)); } $response = Gallery3_Helper::request( "post", $url, $token, array("entity" => $this->data->entity), $this->file); $this->url = $response->url; $this->token = $token; return $this->load(); } /** * Save any local changes made to this resource. If this is an existing resource, we'll return * the resource itself. If we're creating a new resource, return the newly created resource. * * @return object Gallery3 */ public function save() { $data = array(); $data["entity"] = array_diff((array)$this->data->entity, $this->original_entity); if (isset($this->data->members)) { $data["members"] = $this->data->members; } if ($this->file) { $response = Gallery3_Helper::request("put", $this->url, $this->token, $data, $this->file); } else { $response = Gallery3_Helper::request("put", $this->url, $this->token, $data); } return $this->load(); } /** * Delete the remote resource. * * @return object Gallery3 */ public function delete() { Gallery3_Helper::request("delete", $this->url, $this->token); $this->data = array(); $this->url = null; return $this; } /** * Reload the resource from a given url. This is useful after the remote resource has been * modified. * * @return object Gallery3 */ public function load() { $response = Gallery3_Helper::request("get", $this->url, $this->token); $this->data = $response; $this->original_entity = isset($response->entity) ? (array)$response->entity : null; return $this; } } class Gallery3_Helper { static function request($method, $url, $token=null, $params=array(), $file=null) { $req = new HTTP_Request2($url); $req->setMethod($method == "get" ? 'GET' : 'POST'); $req->setHeader("X-Gallery-Request-Method", $method); if ($token) { $req->setHeader("X-Gallery-Request-Key", $token); } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { // $req->addPostParameter($key, is_string($value) ? $value : json_encode($value)); $req->addPostParameter($key, $value); } if ($file) { $req->addFile("file", $file, mime_content_type($file)); } $response = $req->send(); $status = $response->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case 200: case 201: return json_decode($response->getBody()); case 403: throw new Gallery3_Forbidden_Exception($response->getBody(),$status); default: throw new Gallery3_Exception($response->getBody(),$status); } } } class Gallery3_Exception extends Exception { } class Gallery3_Forbidden_Exception extends Gallery3_Exception { }