_get_form(); } public function handler() { access::verify_csrf(); $form = $this->_get_form(); $valid = $form->validate(); $name = $form->register_user->inputs["name"]->value; if (register::check_user_name($name)) { $form->register_user->inputs["name"]->add_error("in_use", 1); $valid = false; } if ($valid) { $pending_user = register::create_pending_request($form); $policy = module::get_var("registration", "policy"); if ($policy == "visitor") { if ($pending_user->state == 1) { $user = register::create_new_user($pending_user->id); Session::instance()->set("registration_first_usage"); auth::login($user); Session::instance()->set("registration_first_usage", true); $pending_user->delete(); } else { $user = register::create_new_user($pending_user->id, true); message::success(t("A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.")); } } else if ($pending_user->state == 1) { site_status::warning( t("There are pending user registration. Review now!", array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/register")))), "pending_user_registrations"); message::success(t("Your registration request is awaiting administrator approval")); } else { register::send_confirmation($pending_user); message::success(t("A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.")); } json::reply(array("result" => "success")); } else { json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string)$form)); } } public function confirm($hash) { $pending_user = ORM::factory("pending_user") ->where("hash", "=", $hash) ->where("state", "=", 0) ->find(); if ($pending_user->loaded()) { // @todo add a request date to the pending user table and check that it hasn't expired $policy = module::get_var("registration", "policy"); $pending_user->state = 1; $pending_user->save(); if ($policy == "vistor") { $user = register::create_new_user($pending_user->id); message::success(t("Your registration request has been approved")); auth::login($user); Session::instance()->set("registration_first_usage", true); $pending_user->delete(); } else { site_status::warning( t("There are pending user registration. Review now!", array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/register")))), "pending_user_registrations"); message::success(t("Your registration request is awaiting administrator approval")); } } else { message::error(t("Your registration request is no longer valid, Please re-register.")); } url::redirect(item::root()->abs_url()); } public function first($hash) { $pending_user = ORM::factory("pending_user") ->where("hash", "=", $hash) ->where("state", "=", 2) ->find(); if ($pending_user->loaded()) { // @todo add a request date to the pending user table and check that it hasn't expired $user = identity::lookup_user_by_name($pending_user->name); if (!empty($user)) { auth::login($user); Session::instance()->set("registration_first_usage", true); $pending_user->delete(); } url::redirect(item::root()->abs_url()); } else { message::warning(t("Your account is ready to use so please login.")); } url::redirect(item::root()->abs_url()); } public function welcome_message() { $user = identity::active_user(); $password = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 8); $user->password = $password; $user->save(); $v = new View("register_welcome_message.html"); $v->user = $user; $v->password = $password; print $v; } public function change_password($id, $password) { $user = user::lookup($id); print $this->_get_change_password_form($user, $password); } private function _get_form() { $minimum_length = module::get_var("user", "mininum_password_length", 5); $form = new Forge("register/handler", "", "post", array("id" => "g-register-form")); $group = $form->group("register_user")->label(t("Register user")); $group->input("name")->label(t("Username"))->id("g-username") ->rules("required|length[1,32]") ->error_messages("in_use", t("There is already a user with that username")); $group->input("full_name")->label(t("Full Name"))->id("g-fullname") ->rules("length[0, 255]"); $group->input("email")->label(t("Email"))->id("g-email") ->rules("required|valid_email|length[1,255]"); $group->input("email2")->label(t("Confirm email"))->id("g-email2") ->matches($group->email); $group->input("url")->label(t("URL"))->id("g-url") ->rules("valid_url"); module::event("register_add_form", $form); $group->submit("")->value(t("Register")); return $form; } /** * Get the password change form. This code is copied from controllers/users.php. The * difference is that as this is the first time logging on, the user might not have * expected that they were going to have to enter the password displayed on the welcome * page, and didn't make note of it. If we were using the standard change password dialog, the * user would be screwed as there is no way to go back and get it. So with this dialog, * we will provide the old password as a hidden field. */ private function _get_change_password_form($user, $password) { $form = new Forge( "users/change_password/$user->id", "", "post", array("id" => "g-change-password-user-form")); $group = $form->group("change_password")->label(t("Change your password")); $group->hidden("old_password")->value($password); $group->password("password")->label(t("New password"))->id("g-password") ->error_messages("min_length", t("Your new password is too short")); $group->script("") ->text( '$("form").ready(function(){$(\'input[name="password"]\').user_password_strength();});'); $group->password("password2")->label(t("Confirm new password"))->id("g-password2") ->matches($group->password) ->error_messages("matches", t("The passwords you entered do not match")); module::event("user_change_password_form", $user, $form); $group->submit("")->value(t("Save")); return $form; } }