where("state", "!=", 2) ->count_all(); if ($count == 0) { site_status::clear("pending_user_registrations"); } list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_form(); print $this->_get_admin_view($form, $errors); } public function update() { access::verify_csrf(); $post = new Validation($_POST); $group_list = array(); if ($post->validate()) { module::set_var("registration", "policy", $post->policy); module::set_var("registration", "default_group", $post->group); module::set_var("registration", "email_verification", !empty($post->email_verification)); message::success(t("Registration defaults have been updated.")); url::redirect("admin/register"); } else { list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_form(); $form = array_merge($form, $post->as_array()); $errors = array_merge($errors, $post->errors()); print $this->_get_admin_view($form, $errors); } } public function activate() { access::verify_csrf(); $post = new Validation($_POST); $post->add_rules("activate_users", "required"); if ($post->validate()) { $names = array(); if (!empty($post->activate)) { foreach ($post->activate as $id) { $user = register::create_new_user($id); $names[] = $user->name; } message::success(t("Activated %users.", array("users" => implode(", ", $names)))); } $count = ORM::factory("pending_user") ->where("state", "!=", 2) ->count_all(); if ($count == 0) { site_status::clear("pending_user_registrations"); } url::redirect("admin/register"); } list ($form, $errors) = $this->_get_form(); $form = array_merge($form, $post->as_array()); $errors = array_merge($errors, $post->errors()); print $this->_get_admin_view($form, $errors); } private function _get_admin_view($form, $errors) { $v = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $v->content = new View("admin_register.html"); $v->content->action = "admin/register/update"; $v->content->policy_list = array("admin_only" => t("Only site administrators can create new user accounts."), "visitor" => t("Visitors can create accounts and no administrator approval is required."), "admin_approval" => t("Visitors can create accounts but administrator approval is required.")); $admin = identity::admin_user(); $v->content->disable_email = empty($admin->email) || $form["policy"] == "admin_only" ? "disabled" : ""; if (empty($admin->email)) { module::set_var("registration", "email_verification", false); } $v->content->group_list = array(); foreach (identity::groups() as $group) { if ($group->id != identity::everybody()->id && $group->id != identity::registered_users()->id) { $v->content->group_list[$group->id] = $group->name; } } $hidden = array("csrf" => access::csrf_token()); if (count($v->content->group_list)) { $v->content->group_list = array("" => t("Choose the default group")) + $v->content->group_list; } else { $hidden["group"] = ""; } $v->content->hidden = $hidden; $v->content->pending = ORM::factory("pending_user")->find_all(); $v->content->activate = "admin/register/activate"; $v->content->form = $form; $v->content->errors = $errors; return $v; } private function _get_form() { $form = array("policy" => module::get_var("registration", "policy"), "group" => module::get_var("registration", "default_group"), "email_verification" => module::get_var("registration", "email_verification")); $errors = array_fill_keys(array_keys($form), ""); return array($form, $errors); } }