ensurevalue(module::get_var("th_greydragon", $key), $default)); } public function load_sessioninfo() { $this->sidebarvisible = $_REQUEST['sb']; if (empty($this->sidebarvisible)): $session = Session::instance(); $_sidebar_mode = $session->get("gd_sidebar"); if ($_sidebar_mode): $this->sidebarvisible = $_sidebar_mode; else: $this->sidebarvisible = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_visible", "right"); endif; else: // Sidebar position is kept for 360 days Session::instance()->set("gd_sidebar", $this->sidebarvisible, time() + 31536000); endif; $this->sidebarallowed = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_allowed", "any"); $this->sidebarvisible = $this->ensurevalue($this->sidebarvisible, "right"); if ($this->sidebarallowed == "none") { $this->sidebarvisible = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_visible", "right"); }; if ($this->sidebarallowed == "right") { $this->sidebarvisible = "right"; } if ($this->sidebarallowed == "left") { $this->sidebarvisible = "left"; } if ($this->item()): if ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("sidebar_albumonly", FALSE)): if (!$this->item()->is_album()): $this->sidebarallowed = "none"; $this->sidebarvisible = "none"; endif; endif; endif; $this->logopath = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("logo_path", url::file("lib/images/logo.png")); $this->show_guest_menu = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("show_guest_menu", FALSE); $this->horizontal_crop = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("horizontal_crop", FALSE); $this->thumb_descmode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("thumb_descmode", "overlay"); $this->photo_descmode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("photo_descmode", "overlay"); $this->is_thumbmeta_visible = ((!$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_thumbmeta", FALSE)) and module::is_active("info")); $this->is_photometa_visible = ((!$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_photometa", TRUE)) and module::is_active("info")); $this->disable_seosupport = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("disable_seosupport", FALSE); $this->is_blockheader_visible = (!$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_blockheader", FALSE)); $this->mainmenu_position = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("mainmenu_position", "default"); $this->show_breadcrumbs = (!$this->ensureoptionsvalue("hide_breadcrumbs", FALSE)); $this->loginmenu_position = ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("loginmenu_position", "default")); $this->copyright = ($this->ensureoptionsvalue("copyright", null)); $this->photonav_position = module::get_var("th_greydragon", "photonav_position", "top"); $this->desc_allowbbcode = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("desc_allowbbcode", FALSE); $this->enable_pagecache = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("enable_pagecache", FALSE); $this->color_pack = $this->ensureoptionsvalue("color_pack", "greydragon"); $cssfile = gallery::find_file("css/colorpacks/" . $this->color_pack, "colors.css", false); if (!$cssfile): $this->color_pack = 'greydragon'; endif; switch (module::get_var("th_greydragon", "thumb_ratio")): case "digital": $this->crop_factor = 4/3; $this->crop_class = 'g-thumbtype-dgt'; break; case "square": $this->crop_factor = 1; $this->crop_class = 'g-thumbtype-sqr'; break; case "film": $this->crop_factor = 3/2; $this->crop_class = 'g-thumbtype-flm'; break; case "photo": default: $this->crop_factor = 1; $this->crop_class = 'g-thumbtype-sqr'; break; endswitch; $this->_thumb_size_y = floor($this->_thumb_size_x / $this->crop_factor); } public function is_sidebarallowed($align) { return (($this->sidebarallowed == "any") or ($this->sidebarallowed == $align)); } public function breadcrumb_menu($theme, $parents) { $content = ""; if ($theme->item() && !empty($parents)): $content .= ''; endif; return $content; } protected function sidebar_menu_item($type, $url, $caption, $css) { if (!$this->is_sidebarallowed($type)): return ""; endif; $iscurrent = ($this->sidebarvisible == $type); $content_menu = '
  • '; if (!$iscurrent): $content_menu .= ''; endif; $content_menu .= '' . $caption . ''; if (!$iscurrent): $content_menu .= ''; endif; return $content_menu . '
  • '; } public function sidebar_menu($url) { if ($this->sidebarallowed != "any"): return ""; endif; $content_menu = ($this->sidebar_menu_item("left", $url, "Sidebar Left", "left")); $content_menu .= ($this->sidebar_menu_item("none", $url, "No Sidebar", "full")); $content_menu .= ($this->sidebar_menu_item("right", $url, "Sidebar Right", "right")); return ''; } public function add_paginator($position) { if (($this->photonav_position == "both") or ($this->photonav_position == $position)): return ($this->paginator()); else: return ""; endif; } public function get_thumb_element($item, $addcontext) { $item_class = $item->is_album() ? "g-album" : "g-photo"; if (($this->sidebarallowed == "none") and ($this->sidebarvisible == "none")): $item_class .= " g-extra-column"; endif; $content = '
  • '; $content .= $this->thumb_top($item); if (($this->crop_factor == 1) and ($item->thumb_width > $item->thumb_height)): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: ' . floor(($this->_thumb_size_y - $item->thumb_height) / 2) . 'px;"'; else: if (($this->crop_factor > 0) and ($item->thumb_width < $item->thumb_height)): $_shift = 'style="margin-top: -' . floor(($item->thumb_height - $this->_thumb_size_y) / 2) . 'px;"'; else: $_shift = ""; endif; endif; $content .= '
    crop_class . '">

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  • '))? $_text : null; endif; $content .= ''; $content .= $this->thumb_bottom($item); $content .= '
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    ", "#\\[code\\](.*?)\\[/code\\]#" => "
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    ", "#\\[list\\](.*?)\\[/list\\]#" => "", "#\\[ul\\](.*?)\\[/ul\\]#" => "", "#\\[li\\](.*?)\\[/li\\]#" => "
  • $1
  • ", ); static $bbcode_strip = '|[[\/\!]*?[^\[\]]*?]|si'; // Replace any html brackets with HTML Entities to prevent executing HTML or script // Don't use strip_tags here because it breaks [url] search by replacing & with amp if (($mode == 1) or ($mode == 3)): $newtext = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $newtext = str_replace(">", ">", $newtext); $newtext = str_replace(""", "\"", $newtext); else: $newtext = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $newtext = str_replace(">", ">", $newtext); $newtext = str_replace("&quot;", """, $newtext); endif; // Convert new line chars to html
    tags $newtext = nl2br($newtext); if (strpos($text, "[") !== false): if (($mode == 2) or ($mode == 3)): $newtext = preg_replace($bbcode_strip, '', $newtext); else: $newtext = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode_mappings), array_values($bbcode_mappings), $newtext); endif; endif; return stripslashes($newtext); //stops slashing, useful when pulling from db } } ?>