where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->find_all(); $existingFaces = ORM::factory("items_face") ->where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->find_all(); $existingNotes = ORM::factory("items_note") ->where("item_id", "=", $item->id) ->find_all(); $fullname = module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false); $showusers = module::get_var("photoannotation", "showusers", false); $showfaces = module::get_var("photoannotation", "showfaces", false); $shownotes = module::get_var("photoannotation", "shownotes", false); if (locales::is_rtl()) { $rtl_support = "image-annotate-rtl"; } else { $rtl_support = ""; } $tags_arraystring = ""; $jscode = ""; $legend_faces = ""; $legend_notes = ""; $legend_users = ""; if (module::get_var("gallery", "active_site_theme") == "greydragon") { $css_item_id = "#g-photo-id-". $item->id; $css_a_class = ".g-sb-preview"; } else { $css_item_id = "#g-item-id-". $item->id; $css_a_class = ".g-fullsize-link"; } // If it does, then insert some javascript and display an image map // to show where the faces are at. if ((count($existingFaces) > 0) || (count($existingNotes) > 0) || (count($existingUsers) > 0)) { $jscode = "notes: [ "; foreach ($existingUsers as $oneUser) { $oneTag = ORM::factory("user", $oneUser->user_id); if ($oneTag->loaded()) { if ($fullname) { $user_text = $oneTag->display_name(); } else { $user_text = $oneTag->name; } if ($showusers) { $legend_users .= "id . "\">user_id) ."\">". html::clean($user_text) ." "; } $jscode .= "{ \"top\": ". $oneUser->y1 .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"left\": ". $oneUser->x1 .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"width\": ". ($oneUser->x2 - $oneUser->x1) .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"height\": ". ($oneUser->y2 - $oneUser->y1) .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"text\": \"". html::clean($user_text) ."\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"internaltext\": \"". $oneTag->display_name() ." (". $oneTag->name .")\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"description\": \"". html::clean($oneUser->description) ."\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"noteid\": ". $oneUser->id .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"notetype\": \"user\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"editable\": true,\n"; $jscode .= "\"url\": \"". user_profile::url($oneUser->user_id) ."\" },\n"; } } foreach ($existingFaces as $oneFace) { $oneTag = ORM::factory("tag", $oneFace->tag_id); if ($oneTag->loaded()) { if ($showfaces) { $legend_faces .= "id . "\">url() ."\">". html::clean($oneTag->name) ." "; } $jscode .= "{ \"top\": ". $oneFace->y1 .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"left\": ". $oneFace->x1 .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"width\": ". ($oneFace->x2 - $oneFace->x1) .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"height\": ". ($oneFace->y2 - $oneFace->y1) .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"text\": \"". html::clean($oneTag->name) ."\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"description\": \"". html::clean($oneFace->description) ."\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"noteid\": ". $oneFace->id .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"notetype\": \"face\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"editable\": true,\n"; $jscode .= "\"url\": \"". $oneTag->url() ."\" },\n"; } } foreach ($existingNotes as $oneNote) { if ($shownotes) { $legend_notes .= "id . "\">". html::clean($oneNote->title) ." "; } $jscode .= "{ \"top\": ". $oneNote->y1 .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"left\": ". $oneNote->x1 .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"width\": ". ($oneNote->x2 - $oneNote->x1) .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"height\": ". ($oneNote->y2 - $oneNote->y1) .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"text\": \"". html::clean($oneNote->title) ."\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"description\": \"". html::clean($oneNote->description) ."\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"noteid\": ". $oneNote->id .",\n"; $jscode .= "\"notetype\": \"note\",\n"; $jscode .= "\"editable\": false,\n"; $jscode .= "\"url\": \"\" },\n"; } $jscode = trim($jscode, ",\n"); $jscode .= " ],"; } $display = "none"; if ($legend_users != "") { $display = "block"; } $legend_users = t("People on this photo: ") . $legend_users .""; $display = "none"; if ($legend_faces != "") { $display = "block"; } $legend_faces = t("Faces on this photo: ") . $legend_faces .""; $display = "none"; if ($legend_notes != "") { $display = "block"; } $legend_notes = t("Notes on this photo: ") . $legend_notes .""; $legend_display = $legend_users . $legend_faces . $legend_notes; $labels_arraystring = "labels: [ '". t("Tag:") ."','". t("Note Title:") ."','". t("Description (optional)") ."','". t("Are you sure you want to delete this annotation?") ."','". t("or") ."','". t("Yes") ."','". t("No") ."','". t("Confirm deletion") ."','". t("Save") ."','". t("Cancel") ."','". t("Person:") ."','". t("No user selected") ."','". t("Select one of the following") ."','". t("An error ocurred while saving annotation") ."','". t("OK") ."','". t("An error ocurred while deleting annotation") ."','". t("View fullsize") ."' ],"; ?> ". $legend_display ."" ?>