append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("calendarview") ->label(t("View Calendar")) ->url(url::site("calendarview/calendar/")) ->css_id("g-calendarview-link")); } static function movie_menu($menu, $theme) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("calendarview") ->label(t("View Calendar")) ->url(url::site("calendarview/calendar/")) ->css_id("g-calendarview-link")); } static function album_menu($menu, $theme) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("calendarview") ->label(t("View Calendar")) ->url(url::site("calendarview/calendar/")) ->css_id("g-calendarview-link")); } static function tag_menu($menu, $theme) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("link") ->id("calendarview") ->label(t("View Calendar")) ->url(url::site("calendarview/calendar/")) ->css_id("g-calendarview-link")); } static function pre_deactivate($data) { // If the admin is about to deactivate EXIF, warn them that this module requires it. if ($data->module == "exif") { $data->messages["warn"][] = t("The CalendarView module requires the EXIF module."); } } static function module_change($changes) { // If EXIF is deactivated, display a warning that it is required for this module to function properly. if (!module::is_active("exif") || in_array("exif", $changes->deactivate)) { site_status::warning( t("The CalendarView module requires the EXIF module. " . "Activate the EXIF module now", array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/modules")))), "calendarview_needs_exif"); } else { site_status::clear("calendarview_needs_exif"); } } static function show_user_profile($data) { // Display a few months on the user profile screen. $v = new View("user_profile_calendarview.html"); $v->user_id = $data->user->id; // Figure out what month the users newest photo was taken it. // Make that the last month to display. // If a user hasn't uploaded anything, make the current month // the last to be displayed. $latest_photo = ORM::factory("item") ->viewable() ->where("type", "!=", "album") ->where("captured", "!=", "") ->where("owner_id", "=", $data->user->id) ->order_by("captured", "DESC") ->find_all(1); if (count($latest_photo) > 0) { $v->user_year = date('Y', $latest_photo[0]->captured); $v->user_month = date('n', $latest_photo[0]->captured); } else { $v->user_year = date('Y'); $v->user_month = date('n'); } $data->content[] = (object) array("title" => t("User calendar"), "view" => $v); } }